Course detail
Industrial Design II
FSI-YA2 Acad. year: 2024/2025 Summer semester
The course is designed to develop students' ability to work on a design activity. During the semester, students are given specific tasks to design products that have a practical background material (specific company) and consulting capabilities. Examples of topics covered: portable compressor, instrumentation, industrial vacuum cleaner, hydraulic shear. The design project is documented by sketches, drawings, perspective views and a three-dimensional model of the final solution.
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Students are expected to master the basics of drawing and molding necessary for project presentation, understanding of basic spatial creation, art composition and realization of three-dimensional models. They are also expected to master the design solution of simpler industrial products. Knowledge of Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and Rhinoceros 3D is desirable.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Requirements for graded course units: Attendance in class, submission of assigned projects on time and in sufficient quality. Presentation of a completed project. The design and level of presentation of each project will be evaluated separately.
The resulting evaluation consists of evaluations of projects and exclusive tasks. In total it will be possible to aquire 100 points. Resulting classification will be defined by the ECTS scale.
If some of the projects are awarded less than half of the maximum pts., final evaluation of the course is "failed".
According to the article No. 13 of Study and Examination Rules of Brno University of Technology ECTS evaluation degree scale is used. . If some of the projects are awarded less than 50 pts., final evaluation of the course is "failed". The course is evaluated with the following grades: ECTS EVALUATION DEGREES / PTS. RATING / NUMERIC RATING: A / 100 – 90 / 1 / Excellent; B /89 – 80 / 1,5 / Very good; C / 79 – 70 / 2 / Good; D / 69 – 60 / Satisfactory; E / 59 – 50 / Sufficient; F / 49 – 0 / 4 / Failed.
Compulsory attendance at seminars. Education runs according to the week schedule. The way of compensation of missed seminars is specified by the tutor.
Language of instruction
The aim of the subject is to develop the students' ability to design a product with a simple function, to expand their knowledge of the basic characteristics of industrial product design and to support the acquisition of the necessary habits, mental processes and development of basic skills, including work with digital technologies. The aim is to give and develop in students the idea of respecting technical, operational and technological aspects of design.
Students gain experience in processing the design of a single product, based on the analysis and input data. Students will also learn to present the results of their work using digital technologies.
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
The study programmes with the given course
Programme B-PDS-P: Industrial Design, Bachelor's
branch ---: no specialisation, 5 credits, compulsory
Programme C-AKR-P: , Lifelong learning
branch CLS: , 5 credits, elective
Type of course unit
Studio work
78 hours, compulsory
Teacher / Lecturer
- Project assignment – design of industrial product;
- Problem analysis, information and basis acquirement;
- Design sketches, first correction, /clausura project/;
- Next sketches and drafts, model sketches;
- Final version approval, model construction;
- Model construction, 2nd project assignment;
- Model construction, follow-up correction, 2nd project analysis;
- 1st project presentation, 2nd project – sketches and drafts;
- Sketches and drafts to 2nd project, model sketches, /clausura project/;
- The final version approval;
- Model construction, follow-up correction;
- 2nd project completion and submission;
- 2nd project presentation /workshop project/. During the semester are assigned 2-3 one-day clausura project with the discrete theme.