Course detail

Machining of cast materials

FSI-POL Acad. year: 2024/2025 Winter semester

Learning outcomes of the course unit


Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

Language of instruction



Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

The study programmes with the given course

Programme N-SLE-P: Foundry Technology, Master's
branch ---: no specialisation, 5 credits, compulsory

Programme C-AKR-P: , Lifelong learning
branch CZS: , 5 credits, elective

Type of course unit



26 hours, optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Cast materials in engineering, types, production, handling, use.
2. Properties of cast materials, machinability.
3. Material additions on castings, technological construction, effects on machining.
4. Milling theory. Company catalogs. Videos from real processes.
5. Drilling theory. Company catalogs. Videos from real processes.
6. Turning theory. Company catalogs. Videos from real processes.
7. Technology of machining non-rotating shapes of castings. Machines, clamps, tools.
8. Technology of machining rotary shapes of castings. Machines, clamps, tools.
9. CNC machines for machining castings. Machine equipment. Manual adjustment of castings.
10. Control processes in piece and series production, gauges, frequency.
11. Production equipment costs. Automation and robotics.
12. Management and organization of production processes. Solution of production outages.
13. Presentation of semester work. Credit.

Laboratory exercise

26 hours, compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Assignment of drawings of components for semester work (pulleys, lid, valve).
2. Casting design for specified drawings, ie semi-finished product for machining.
3. Creating a construction drawing of a casting.
4. Project of a specific milling operation. Demonstrations in the school workshop.
5. Project of a specific drilling operation. Demonstrations in the school workshop.
6. Project of a specific turning operation. Demonstrations in the school workshop.
7. Design of technological process for non-rotating shape casting.
8. Design of technological process for rotary casting.
9. Block diagram of NC program for more complex casting (gearbox, lever).
10. Evaluation of the quality of machined surfaces, quantities Ra, Rz.
11. Statistical capture of deviations of produced dimensions.
12. Compilation of process diagrams. Proof of alternative technology.
13. Presentation of semester work. Credit.