Course detail

Fluid Engineering

FSI-LFI Acad. year: 2024/2025 Winter semester

The purpose of the Fluid Engineering subject is to inform about the use of fluid properties and their flow in various industrial technologies. The starting point are the basic differential equations of motion, and based on their analysis, various principles of hydraulic and pneumatic elements, machines and mechanisms are explained.


Learning outcomes of the course unit


Basics of Hydrostatics, Hydrodynamics, Thermomechanics, partial differential equations calculus, vector and matrix calculus, integration

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

Credit and Examination (written exam – without practical credits not possible to appoach), ECTS evaluation

Seminars and written tasks on the excercises

Language of instruction



Extend the knowledge gained from the basic Hydromechanics course. To learn how to work with different notations of differential equations describing the flow of fluids and their use in solving appropriately chosen problems. Connecting the mathematical description with the physical nature of the phenomena connected with the flow of fluids. Obtaining a theoretical basis for computational flow modeling.


Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

The study programmes with the given course

Programme C-AKR-P: , Lifelong learning
branch CZS: , 6 credits, elective

Programme N-ETI-P: Power and Thermo-fluid Engineering, Master's
branch ENI: Power Engineering, 6 credits, compulsory

Programme N-ETI-P: Power and Thermo-fluid Engineering, Master's
branch FLI: Fluid Engineering, 6 credits, compulsory

Programme N-ETI-P: Power and Thermo-fluid Engineering, Master's
branch TEP: Environmental Engineering, 6 credits, compulsory

Type of course unit



39 hours, optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Overview repetition of physical laws related to fluid mechanics, overview of practical applications, mathematical introduction

2. Description of the continuum, movement of the continuum. Euler's and Lagrange's concept of continuum. Parametric curve/surface entry.

3. Bezier curve/surface. Law of conservation of mass. The speed of sound.

4. The force acting on a solid surface and a solid particle surrounded by a liquid. Direct/indirect method of force calculation.

5. Interaction of the body and the liquid examples

6. Cavitation.

7. Bernoulli's equation. Additional effects on the body from the liquid

8. Disc/centrifugal pump principle. Principle of plain bearing. Hydraulic ram.

9. Similarity numbers. Pi-theorem.

10. Pressure and flow wave propagation.

11. Self-excited oscillations.

12. Forced oscillations.

13. Lecture by an external expert. Repetition.


26 hours, compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Matrix/vector calculus. Einstein's summation symbolism.

2. Einstein's summation symbology – conversions from/to vector notation.

3. Parametric entry of the curve/surface. Bezier curve/surface.

4. The force acting on a rigid body – the motionless bucket of the Pelton turbine. Archimedes' law for a partially submerged body.

5. The force acting on the moving body – the moving bucket of the Pelton turbine. The force acting on the rotating channel of the impeller.

6. Written test.

7. Segner's wheel – force acting on the rotating channel, calculation of discharge velocity. Additional weight of the pin in the case.

8. Ejector. U-tube, fluid motion, force effects on the tube wall.

9. Derivation of similarity numbers from the definition of power. Dependence of flow, torque and power on revolutions, change of pump characteristics.

10. Determination of the flow rate from the hydraulic ram, model of the gas accumulator.

11. Eigenvalues, eigenvalues ​​of a matrix. Oscillation of the balancing chamber

12. Pulsations forced by the pump at the shut-off point. Stable/unstable characteristics of the pump.

13. Thermal wave oscillation. Remedial written test.