Course detail
Reconstruction and Analysis of 3D Scenes
FSI-SR0 Acad. year: 2021/2022 Summer semester
The subject concerns the reconstruction and analysis of 3D scenes that are based on point clouds. This research area is important in the reverse engineering, robotics, geography and autonomous traffic systems. First part of the lectures deals with the data acquisition types and algorithms as registration, edge detection, feature extraction. In laboratory we make the measurement with optical scanner ATOS and other hand scanners. We will process the point cloud with software GOM inspect and Rhinoceros. We will also work with 3D printer Voxelizer.
We will use Arduino Engineering Kit for testing of proposed algorithms.
Students prepare their own implementation of some of the algorithm in the last lectures of semester.
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Students will learn about the point clouds, its acquisition (3D scanning), usage (3D printing, Arduino scene analysis) and post-processing (edge or object detection, registration).
elementary knowledge of mathematical analysis and algebra (matrix, derivative), computer graphics, the recommended is the knowledge of programming language (C, C++, Pascal, atd) or programm (e.g. Matlab).
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
The lectures are the based on the presentation and programming of the point cloud processing methods. Two lectures will be in laboratory on the optical scanner ATOS (calibration and 3D scanning). In the end of the semester students will work on the computer on their preferable research topic.
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Students will prepare the project and present the project on the end of the semester.
Language of instruction
The main gist of the subject is to understand the point cloud and its processing algorithms. The practical part will show the 3D scanning and 3D printing technology and the 3D scene algorithms.
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
The lecture attendance is compulsory.
Type of course unit
13 hours, optionally
Teacher / Lecturer
1st week: The data acquisition (Terrain, Mobile, Airborne) in dependance of the application. Passive (Structure from Motion) and active methods (Time of Flight, laser)
2nd week: Point cloud registration (methods PCA, SVD, ICP).
3rd week: RANSAC – algorithm and its usage, feature extraction
4-5th week: Laboratory measurements on the optical scanner ATOS and hand scanners.
6th week: Point cloud processing in software (GOM Inspect, Rhinoceros, etc.)
7th week: 3D printing – principles, settings, problems.
8th week: Arduino Engineering Kit – vehicle Rover can navigate between given reference points, move objects with a forklift.
9-12th week: Consultations
13th week: Presentation of the seminar work.
Computer-assisted exercise
26 hours, compulsory
Teacher / Lecturer
1st week: The data acquisition (Terrain, Mobile, Airborne) in dependance of the application, Matlab programming.
2nd week: Point cloud registration – MATLAB or other programming languages.
3rd week: RANSAC programming.
4-5th Laboratory measurements on the optical scanner ATOS and using hand scanners.
6th week: Point cloud processing in software (GOM Inspect, Voxelizer, Rhinoceros). Creating own models for 3D printing.
7th week: 3D printing of models (Voxelizer 3D printer)
8th week: Arduino Engineering Kit – vehicle rover programming.
9-12th week: Seminar work with consultations.
13th week: Presentation of the seminar work.