Course detail
Control Electronics
FSI-RRL Acad. year: 2021/2022 Winter semester
Bipolar transistors – description, principle, transistor effect, rules fior understanding the analysis of DC circuits with bipolar transistors, AC analysis of a bipolar transistor, h-paramenets definition, AC substitutional schematics, single stage amplifiers commom emitter, common emitter + emitter resistor, selective common emitter, common emitter with an active load, common colector, common base – analysis, properties, design, totem pole circuits, current source with a bipolar transistor, current mirror, bipolar transistors in switching regime – minimising the switch-on and switch-off delay, anti-saturation diode, unipolar transistors, principle, properties linear and switchng regime, linear voltage regulators – circuit variants, explanation, properties, design, operational amplifiers – detailed description of the behavior, statis and dynamic parameters, linear circuits with operational amplifiers – inverting amplifiers (amplifiers, filters, various regulators), non-inverting amplifiers (amplifiers, filters, various regulators), differential amplifier, summing amplifier, PI and PID regulators, special circuits with operational amplifiers, voltage-to-current convertors, current-to-voltage convertors, non-linear circuits with operational amplifiers – operational rectifiers, controlled and uncontrolled limiters, comparators – basic connection – properties, ellimination of a parasitic swingiing due to the interferrence, comparator with adding resistors, comparator with hysteresis – principle, calculation, properties, comparator with a dynamic hysteresis – explanation, principle, open collector – explanation, usiage, convertors of signal logical levels (CMOS, TTL, others), harmonic oscilllators – with a negative differential resistance and feedback oscilllators – oscillation condition, various RC and LC osciillator circuits.
Learning outcomes of the course unit
The student learns to make an analysis and synthesis of various circuits with bipolar and unipolar transistors operating in lineare or switching regime, further linear and nonlinear circuits with operational amplifiers and circuits with comparators. In the laboratory the student learns (next to the mentioned above) also to use the laboratory supply sources, measuring devices, signal generators, oscilloscope nad soldering gun.
Student must have the previous knowledge from the applied mathematics: – To use and to apply the mathematical operations above complex numbers in the component and polar representation (summation, subtraction, multiplication, division, and rectification of the complex fraction). – To apply the basic principles of the integral and differential calculus of one variable: description of the inductor work, i.e. induction law in the differential and integral form; similarly the dif. and integr. relations between instantaneous values of the current and voltage at the capacitor. Student must have following knowledge and abilities from theoretical electro-engineering: – To be able to practically use and apply the following tools for the analysis and synthesis of electric circuits: 1st and 2nd Kirchhoff´s laws, Ohm´s law, the induction law in the differential and integral form. – To calculate voltage transfer of the divider built from two arbitrary impedances. – To calculate parallel combination of two impedances. – To use the Thevenin theorem in a practical way.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures are lead with the massive support of Power-Point. The Power-Point file is available for students. numerical and laboratory excercises are alterned. In laboratories, students measure several exercises (electronic circuits) using oscilloscope. A collection of ca. 50 solved examples is available for students.
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
laboratory excercises 20 points
semestr test 10 points
final exam 70 points
Language of instruction
Basic theoretical and practical knowledge for design of analog circuits used in industrial applications.
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Attendance at the practical training is obligatory.
The study programmes with the given course
Programme B-MET-P: Mechatronics, Bachelor's
branch ---: no specialisation, 5 credits, compulsory
Type of course unit
39 hours, optionally
Teacher / Lecturer
1. Passive circuit elements R, L, C, linear/non-linear, parametric/non-parametric.
2. Parametric elements as sensors of the non-electric quantities.
3. Basic laws a rules for solving of the linear electrical circuits.
4. Transfer four-poles, two-ports. The basic transfer facilities. Passive two-poles RC, RLC, the voltage transformer, the current transformer.
5.Bilolar and unipolar transistors – setting of the dc. working point, h-parameters. Connections: SE, SC, SB, differential amplifier, cascodes, current mirrors.
6. Inner structure of the operational amplifiers.
7. Linear circuits with the operational amplifiers.
8. Non-linear circuits with the operational amplifiers.
9. Digital circuits combinational and sequential.
10. Synthesis of the combinational circuits.
11. Synthesis of the sequential circuits.
12. D/A converters.
13. A/D converters.
Laboratory exercise
26 hours, compulsory
Teacher / Lecturer
Bipolar and unipolar transistors. Linear mode.
Transistors – switching mode.
Structure of the op. amplifiers.
Linear circuits with OAs.
Non-linear circuits with OAs.
Special circuits with OAs.
Structure of the digital TTL and CMOS circuits.
Digital combination circuits.
Digital sequention circuits.
A/D converters.
D/A converters.
Special circuits.