Detail publikace
Napjatostní analýza v keramické hlavici kyčelní endoprotézy s uvažováním reálných výrobních nepřesností
Český název
Napjatostní analýza v keramické hlavici kyčelní endoprotézy s uvažováním reálných výrobních nepřesností
Anglický název
Stress analysis of hip joint endoprosthesis ceramic head with real manufacturing inaccuracies consideration
článek ve sborníku ve WoS nebo Scopus
Originální abstrakt
The paper presents the results of computational modeling of the stress states in the hip joint endoprosthesis ceramic head. The measured manufacturing inaccuracies of the contact areas of the head and the stem are covered in the model. Measuring device IMS UMPIRE was used to realize of the measuring of the deflections from the ideal cones. Loading of the considered model was in accordance with the norm ISO 7206-5, which is used to testing of the ceramic heads. System of FEM ANSYS was used to realize a computational modeling.
Český abstrakt
The paper presents the results of computational modeling of the stress states in the hip joint endoprosthesis ceramic head. The measured manufacturing inaccuracies of the contact areas of the head and the stem are covered in the model. Measuring device IMS UMPIRE was used to realize of the measuring of the deflections from the ideal cones. Loading of the considered model was in accordance with the norm ISO 7206-5, which is used to testing of the ceramic heads. System of FEM ANSYS was used to realize a computational modeling.
Anglický abstrakt
The paper presents the results of computational modeling of the stress states in the hip joint endoprosthesis ceramic head. The measured manufacturing inaccuracies of the contact areas of the head and the stem are covered in the model. Measuring device IMS UMPIRE was used to realize of the measuring of the deflections from the ideal cones. Loading of the considered model was in accordance with the norm ISO 7206-5, which is used to testing of the ceramic heads. System of FEM ANSYS was used to realize a computational modeling.
Klíčová slova anglicky
Total hip joint endoprosthesis, computational modeling, finite element methods, manufacturing inaccuracies of contact areas.
STU Bratislava
Mechanical Engineering 2002
Počet stran
author="Vladimír {Fuis},
title="Napjatostní analýza v keramické hlavici kyčelní endoprotézy s uvažováním reálných výrobních nepřesností",
booktitle="Mechanical Engineering 2002",
publisher="STU Bratislava",