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Antigen retrieval and fixation of sections on slides for immunohistochemical detection of soya protein in meat products

Bednářová, M. Pospiech, A. Tremlová, B. Řezáčová-Lukášková, Z. Bednář, J.

Anglický název

Antigen retrieval and fixation of sections on slides for immunohistochemical detection of soya protein in meat products


článek v časopise ve Web of Science, Jimp



Originální abstrakt

Soybean protein is added to meat products as a cheaper substitute of muscle proteins. If the presence of soybeanprotein in meat products is not stated on the label, this can be taken as adulteration. Detection of soybean proteins in foodstuffs is important in case of a higher rate of their application. This work was focused on the influence of solutions acting as unmasking buffers for soybean antigen retrieval in immunohistochemical examination of meat products. Seven buffers (solutions) with different pH, chemical composition or molarity were tested. The citrate EDTA (ethylene diaminetetraacetic acid) buffer facilitated the highest efficiency in soybean antigen retrieval, while 5% (w/w) urea + H2O the lowest one. Simultaneously, the effect of these buffers on section fixation on slides was tested. The highest efficiency for fixation of sections on slides was recorded for 4% (w/w) AlCl3 + Tris-HCl (tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane-HCl) (p < 0.05), which reached the lowest efficiency in terms of antigen retrieval. The efficiency of citrate buffer in antigen retrieval (immunolabelling intensity) was strong and fixation of tissue sections on slides was high (p < 0.05). Therefore, citrate buffer was found to be optimal and can be recommended for immunohistochemistry of meat products.

Anglický abstrakt

Soybean protein is added to meat products as a cheaper substitute of muscle proteins. If the presence of soybeanprotein in meat products is not stated on the label, this can be taken as adulteration. Detection of soybean proteins in foodstuffs is important in case of a higher rate of their application. This work was focused on the influence of solutions acting as unmasking buffers for soybean antigen retrieval in immunohistochemical examination of meat products. Seven buffers (solutions) with different pH, chemical composition or molarity were tested. The citrate EDTA (ethylene diaminetetraacetic acid) buffer facilitated the highest efficiency in soybean antigen retrieval, while 5% (w/w) urea + H2O the lowest one. Simultaneously, the effect of these buffers on section fixation on slides was tested. The highest efficiency for fixation of sections on slides was recorded for 4% (w/w) AlCl3 + Tris-HCl (tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane-HCl) (p < 0.05), which reached the lowest efficiency in terms of antigen retrieval. The efficiency of citrate buffer in antigen retrieval (immunolabelling intensity) was strong and fixation of tissue sections on slides was high (p < 0.05). Therefore, citrate buffer was found to be optimal and can be recommended for immunohistochemistry of meat products.

Klíčová slova anglicky

unmasking; buffer; epitope; immunolabelling











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  author="Josef {Bednář},
  title="Antigen retrieval and fixation of sections on slides for immunohistochemical detection of soya protein in meat products",