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Matematické metody operačního výzkumu a projektového řízení v řízení energetických procesů


Český název

Matematické metody operačního výzkumu a projektového řízení v řízení energetických procesů

Anglický název

Mathematical methods of the operations research and project management in power process control


článek ve sborníku ve WoS nebo Scopus



Originální abstrakt

Since the year 1994, the Institute of Automation and Computer Science at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Technology of Brno runs the courses of mathematical methods of project management in the field of engineering informatics and automation. 8This topic was often used for diploma works that were the bases of the PhD. studies of their authors. The research of these methods is carried out in collaboration of lectures and PhD. students. The goal of this research is to create the prototypes of decision support systems in project and production management and for project management of control of power systems, that results from the needs of Czech industry and from the needs of university education of experts for these regions. – The system for multi-criterial selection of projects. – The system for two-criterial time-cost optimization of project schedules. – The system that makes the effective observation, monitoring and visualization of deviations between the scheduled and real courses of projects and their particular activities based on the elements of three-value and five-value algebra possible. – The system for the optimum distribution of resources under non-linear gain functions. – The system for the creation of project schedules under the stochastic and fuzzy distribution of time of duration of activities. These systems serve for tuition purposes for the education of future creators and users of mathematical methods of the project management. By some properties the systems surpass the systems available in our market at present, and besides this, they bring new pieces of knowledge in the region of mutual comparison of different methods efficiency.

Český abstrakt

Článek obsahuje přehled metod operačního výzkumu a systémů na podporu rozhodování, které byly vytvořeny od roku 1994 do roku 2002 na Ústavu automatizace a informatiky. Výzkum těchto metod byl prováděn ve spolupráci pedagogů a PhD studentů.

Anglický abstrakt

Since the year 1994, the Institute of Automation and Computer Science at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Technology of Brno runs the courses of mathematical methods of project management in the field of engineering informatics and automation. 8This topic was often used for diploma works that were the bases of the PhD. studies of their authors. The research of these methods is carried out in collaboration of lectures and PhD. students. The goal of this research is to create the prototypes of decision support systems in project and production management and for project management of control of power systems, that results from the needs of Czech industry and from the needs of university education of experts for these regions. – The system for multi-criterial selection of projects. – The system for two-criterial time-cost optimization of project schedules. – The system that makes the effective observation, monitoring and visualization of deviations between the scheduled and real courses of projects and their particular activities based on the elements of three-value and five-value algebra possible. – The system for the optimum distribution of resources under non-linear gain functions. – The system for the creation of project schedules under the stochastic and fuzzy distribution of time of duration of activities. These systems serve for tuition purposes for the education of future creators and users of mathematical methods of the project management. By some properties the systems surpass the systems available in our market at present, and besides this, they bring new pieces of knowledge in the region of mutual comparison of different methods efficiency.

Klíčová slova anglicky

project management; operations research; mathematical methods






Academia Centrum, Zlín






Control of Power & Heating Systems 2002, Proceedings of Annotations of the 5th International conference

Počet stran



  author="Jindřich {Klapka},
  title="Mathematical methods of the operations research and project management in power process control",
  booktitle="Control of Power & Heating Systems 2002, Proceedings of Annotations of the 5th International conference",
  publisher="Academia Centrum, Zlín",