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Problémy počítačové simulace ve tváření


Český název

Problémy počítačové simulace ve tváření

Anglický název

Problems of computer simulation in metal forming


článek ve sborníku ve WoS nebo Scopus



Originální abstrakt

In the present, the application of computer simulation is increasing very fast. So far, it has been used relatively little for diverse reasons, such as high cost, demands on hardware, experienced staff, in some cases certain software deficiencies, etc. Today, however, it is no longer possible to work without these simulations since the requirements for the quality of manufactured components are steadily increasing. At Brno University of Technology two software program are mainly used: DEFORM 2D + 3D and the Czech FORMFEM program. The paper analyses the main reasons why simulation should be used and what experience and knowledge of simulation have so far been obtained. A practical example of the production of a canvas ring (i.e. a ring used in canvas covers) of sheet metal is given, inclusive of the simulation and a comparison with experimental test results, which have fully confirmed the simulation results.

Český abstrakt

Presentovaný příspěvek se zabývá problémy při počítačových simulacích a testuje dostupné software z FSI VUT v Brně. Jedná se o programy DEFORM 2D + 3D a FORMFEM.

Anglický abstrakt

In the present, the application of computer simulation is increasing very fast. So far, it has been used relatively little for diverse reasons, such as high cost, demands on hardware, experienced staff, in some cases certain software deficiencies, etc. Today, however, it is no longer possible to work without these simulations since the requirements for the quality of manufactured components are steadily increasing. At Brno University of Technology two software program are mainly used: DEFORM 2D + 3D and the Czech FORMFEM program. The paper analyses the main reasons why simulation should be used and what experience and knowledge of simulation have so far been obtained. A practical example of the production of a canvas ring (i.e. a ring used in canvas covers) of sheet metal is given, inclusive of the simulation and a comparison with experimental test results, which have fully confirmed the simulation results.

Klíčová slova anglicky

Computer simulation, metal forming, DEFORM, FORFEM






Metal forming laboratory of the Federal university of Rio grande do sul


Gramado - Brasil




V. national conference on sheet metal forming

Počet stran



  author="Karel {Novotný},
  title="Problems of computer simulation in metal forming",
  booktitle="V. national conference on sheet metal forming",
  publisher="Metal forming laboratory of the Federal university of Rio grande do sul",
  address="Gramado - Brasil",