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Stanovení parametrů struktury odlitku na základě mikro-segregační analýzy


Český název

Stanovení parametrů struktury odlitku na základě mikro-segregační analýzy

Anglický název

Determination of the cast structure parameter on the basis of micro-segregation analysis


článek ve sborníku ve WoS nebo Scopus



Originální abstrakt

The paper deals with the new method for estimation of the average dendrite arm spacing on the basis of parameters of solidification of the relevant metallic alloy and of the theory of physical similarity. The following parameters determine dendritic structure of cast metallic alloys: diffusion coefficient of elements in solid DS, partition coefficient of elements, local solidification time, rate of crystallization and chemical eterogeneity of the given alloy, quantified usually with maximum cmax, and initial c0 concentration of elements in the given area of alloy. Verification of the method was carried out both theoretically and experimentally. An average secondary dendrite arms spacing has been calculated as a function of the cooling rate according to relations given in literature. The dendrite arm spacing was also estimated metallographically for nine samples taken from cross section of a lowcarbon continuously cast steel. It was found out that for short local solidification times the average dendrite arm spacing determined with use of the new method was lower than values calculated according to literature or determined metallographically. However, calculation for long local solidification times with use of the new method corresponded very well with both calculated and measured values.

Český abstrakt

Příspěvek pojednává o nové metodě stanovení průměrné vzdálenosti dendritů na základě parametrů tuhnutí kovové slitiny a teorie fyzikální podobnosti. Verifikace metody byla uskutečněna teoreticky a experimentálně. Průměrná sekundární vzdálenost denritů byla vypočítána jako funkce rychlosti tuhnutí podle vztahů uváděných v literatuře a rovněž metalograficky pro devět vzorků. Bylo zjištěno, že při krátké době tuhnutí je průměrná vzdálenost dendritů stanovená novou metodou menší, než hodnoty vypočtené podle literatury nebo určené metalograficky. Avšak výpočty pro dlouhé doby tuhnutí použitím nové metody korespondují velmi dobře s literárními a experimentálními hodnotami.

Anglický abstrakt

The paper deals with the new method for estimation of the average dendrite arm spacing on the basis of parameters of solidification of the relevant metallic alloy and of the theory of physical similarity. The following parameters determine dendritic structure of cast metallic alloys: diffusion coefficient of elements in solid DS, partition coefficient of elements, local solidification time, rate of crystallization and chemical eterogeneity of the given alloy, quantified usually with maximum cmax, and initial c0 concentration of elements in the given area of alloy. Verification of the method was carried out both theoretically and experimentally. An average secondary dendrite arms spacing has been calculated as a function of the cooling rate according to relations given in literature. The dendrite arm spacing was also estimated metallographically for nine samples taken from cross section of a lowcarbon continuously cast steel. It was found out that for short local solidification times the average dendrite arm spacing determined with use of the new method was lower than values calculated according to literature or determined metallographically. However, calculation for long local solidification times with use of the new method corresponded very well with both calculated and measured values.

Klíčová slova česky

Kovová slitina, vzdálenost dendritů, parametry tuhnutí, nová metoda výpočtu

Klíčová slova anglicky

Metallic alloy, dendrite arm spacing, parameters of solidification, new method for estimation






University of Parma


Parma, Italy




The 4th International Conference on Crack Paths (CP 2012). Book of abstracts and CD

Číslo edice


Strany od–do


Počet stran



  author="Jana {Dobrovská} and František {Kavička} and Karel {Stránský} and Věra {Dobrovská},
  title="Determination of the cast structure parameter on the basis of micro-segregation analysis",
  booktitle="The 4th International Conference on Crack Paths (CP 2012). Book of abstracts and CD",
  publisher="University of Parma",
  address="Parma, Italy",