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Srovnávací studie vzorků cihel s využitím dvou systémů s Echelle spektrometry pro dálkovou spektrometrii laserem buzeného plazmatu

VÍTKOVÁ, Gabriela - NOVOTNÝ, Karel - KAISER, Jozef - HRDLIČKA, Aleš - SUN, Laxiang - CONG, Z. - XING, Y. - PROKEŠ, Lubomír - NOVOTNÝ, Jan - MALINA, Radomír - PROCHAZKA, David - TOMANČÍKOVÁ, Hana

Český název

Srovnávací studie vzorků cihel s využitím dvou systémů s Echelle spektrometry pro dálkovou spektrometrii laserem buzeného plazmatu

Anglický název

Comparative Study of Brick Samples Using Two, Echelle-Spectrometer Based Remote Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Systems





Originální abstrakt

One of the unique capabilities of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) is the ability to perform real-time and remote measurements in the field, where the sample can be distant several meters from the instrumentation. This can be advantage for analyses of e.g. difficult to reach wall segments. For conservation of brick constructions disturbance of their static shouldbe localized in order to solve those problems that may occur by replacing the most damaged bricks in the case of need. The causes of degradation should be detected and for replacement the most compatible material, stable at given climate conditions, should be chosen. Our findings indicate that the chemical, physical and mechanical properties of bricks can be monitored by remote LIBS. This method can be used for fast semi-quantitative analysis of different brick samples; and to classify different type, origin and degree and cause of the masonry damage. Here we report on comparative study of thirty three samples of bricks that were analyzed using two remote LIBS systems. Both of the systems were equipped with an Echelle spectrometer based detection system (Andor Mechelle spectrometer coupled to the Andor Istar 734i ICCD detector and ESA 4000, LLA Instruments, Germany). The elemental composition of the samples after their total decomposition was measured also with an optical ICP – OES spectrometer (Jobin Yvon 170 Ultrace). The results of these analyses were processed using advanced statistical tools, by focusing on the development of a method for bricks classification, which could be used without the need of knowledge of absolute elemental composition. Finding such a technique will make possible realtime sorting of the masonry material directly in-situ.

Český abstrakt

Jedna z unikátních schopností metody LIBS je schopnost okamžité dálkové analýzy přímo v terénu, kdy může být analyzovaný objekt vzdálený několik metrů od instrumentace. To může být výhodné například pro monitoring těžko dostupných segmentů zdiva. Například pro restaurátorské a konzervátorské účely může být takto identifikováno poškozené zdivo, či zdiva s odlišnými vlastnostmi. Metoda může být použita pro rychlou klasifikaci cihel, rychlou semikvantitativní analýzu, určení původu, stáří či stupně poškození. Byla provedena srovnávací studie 33 vzorků cihel, které byly analyzovány dvěma rozdílnými systémy využívajících Echelle spektrometrů. Analýza jednotlivých cihel byla také provedena pomocí roztokové analýzy po jejich rozložení s využitím optické spektrometrie indukčně vázaného plazmatu.

Anglický abstrakt

One of the unique capabilities of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) is the ability to perform real-time and remote measurements in the field, where the sample can be distant several meters from the instrumentation. This can be advantage for analyses of e.g. difficult to reach wall segments. For conservation of brick constructions disturbance of their static shouldbe localized in order to solve those problems that may occur by replacing the most damaged bricks in the case of need. The causes of degradation should be detected and for replacement the most compatible material, stable at given climate conditions, should be chosen. Our findings indicate that the chemical, physical and mechanical properties of bricks can be monitored by remote LIBS. This method can be used for fast semi-quantitative analysis of different brick samples; and to classify different type, origin and degree and cause of the masonry damage. Here we report on comparative study of thirty three samples of bricks that were analyzed using two remote LIBS systems. Both of the systems were equipped with an Echelle spectrometer based detection system (Andor Mechelle spectrometer coupled to the Andor Istar 734i ICCD detector and ESA 4000, LLA Instruments, Germany). The elemental composition of the samples after their total decomposition was measured also with an optical ICP – OES spectrometer (Jobin Yvon 170 Ultrace). The results of these analyses were processed using advanced statistical tools, by focusing on the development of a method for bricks classification, which could be used without the need of knowledge of absolute elemental composition. Finding such a technique will make possible realtime sorting of the masonry material directly in-situ.

Klíčová slova anglicky

Remote detection; laser induced breakdown spectroscopy; LIBS



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