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Studie tepelného komfortu v letadle s využitím diagramu komfotních zón


Český název

Studie tepelného komfortu v letadle s využitím diagramu komfotních zón

Anglický název

Investigation of thermal comfort in aircraft cabin by means of Comfort zones model





Originální abstrakt

The thermal comfort of passengers in the aircraft first class suite using comfort zones model (according to standard ISO 14505-2) was performed and the CFD method was employed. Several different positions of personal inlets and flow rates were tested. The study was performed in the section of the Airbus A380 aircraft lining with 4 seats occupied by passive manikins. Manikins' boundary conditions were equal to the ISO 14505 summer comfort zones diagram. The study shows specifics of implementation of comfort zones model in CFD and predicts which combination of inlets are feasible for personalised ventilation in aircraft cabin. The main goal of the study was reach the overall and local thermal comfort in combination with personalised ventilation. All models and simulations were performed under commercial CFD code Star-CCM+.

Český abstrakt

Byla provedena studie tepelného komfortu v kabině vybraného dopravního letadla s využití diagramu komfortních zón (dle ISO 14505-2) a s využitím metody CFD. V modelu byly testovány různé polohy přiváděcích personálních výustek při různých průtocích větracího vzduchu. V CFD modelu byla využita část kabiny Airbusu A380 se sedadly první třídy a pasivními manekýny, přičemž nastavení okrajových podmínek na manekýnech bylo totožné s ISO 14505-2 – letní oblečení. Studie odhalila specifika implementace metody diagramu komfortních zón v CFD a ukázala optimální kombinaci individuálních výustek pro individuální větraní v kabině letadla.

Anglický abstrakt

The thermal comfort of passengers in the aircraft first class suite using comfort zones model (according to standard ISO 14505-2) was performed and the CFD method was employed. Several different positions of personal inlets and flow rates were tested. The study was performed in the section of the Airbus A380 aircraft lining with 4 seats occupied by passive manikins. Manikins' boundary conditions were equal to the ISO 14505 summer comfort zones diagram. The study shows specifics of implementation of comfort zones model in CFD and predicts which combination of inlets are feasible for personalised ventilation in aircraft cabin. The main goal of the study was reach the overall and local thermal comfort in combination with personalised ventilation. All models and simulations were performed under commercial CFD code Star-CCM+.

Klíčová slova česky

tepelná pohoda, diagram komfortních zón, prostředí v kabině

Klíčová slova anglicky

Thermal comfort, Comfort zones diagram, Cabin environment




National and Kapodestrian University of Athens



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