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Numerická simulace slévárenských procesů


Český název

Numerická simulace slévárenských procesů

Anglický název

Numerical Simulation of Steel Ingot


článek ve sborníku ve WoS nebo Scopus



Originální abstrakt

During pouring and solidification process of steel in metal die can be created many different defects of ingots. This paper concentrates on the very common but important one, porosity. Porosity appearance depends on chemistry of poured steel, its solidification range, pouring temperature, H/D ingot ratio, shape of metal die, thickness of the die walls and some other effects. In cooperation with Vitkovice HM we are trying to find out and describe importance of some of these influences. It helps with understanding of the solidification process and optimization of new dies for Vitkovice HM. The new dies should have positive influence on solidification paths of metal and minimize amount of porosity. Software Procast was used as a tool of virtual process simulation. Results from filling of the die cavity, solidification of metal, stress analyses and mechanical properties prediction are described in the paper. Simulation may be used for optimization of ingot head and better utilization of poured metal. Thus it leads to more economical production with better quality of ingot.

Český abstrakt

Během lití a tuhnutí ingotu může docházek ke vzniku řady defektů v odlitku. Článek je zaměřen na na vznik vad typu staženiny a řediny. Poresita závisí na chemickém složení litého materiálu, podmínkách tuhnutí, dvoufázovém pásmu, dosazovacím tlaku. Článek rozebírá vliv úkosu ingotu, výšky hladiny kovu v hlavě ingotu, poměru H/D. Jsou popsány všechny možnosti využití numerické simulace v oblasti výroby ocelových ingotů.

Anglický abstrakt

During pouring and solidification process of steel in metal die can be created many different defects of ingots. This paper concentrates on the very common but important one, porosity. Porosity appearance depends on chemistry of poured steel, its solidification range, pouring temperature, H/D ingot ratio, shape of metal die, thickness of the die walls and some other effects. In cooperation with Vitkovice HM we are trying to find out and describe importance of some of these influences. It helps with understanding of the solidification process and optimization of new dies for Vitkovice HM. The new dies should have positive influence on solidification paths of metal and minimize amount of porosity. Software Procast was used as a tool of virtual process simulation. Results from filling of the die cavity, solidification of metal, stress analyses and mechanical properties prediction are described in the paper. Simulation may be used for optimization of ingot head and better utilization of poured metal. Thus it leads to more economical production with better quality of ingot.

Klíčová slova česky

ingoty, simulace, vady odlitků

Klíčová slova anglicky

ingot, metal die, numerical simulation, defects, porosity, optimization




Druzstvo Livarjev Slovenije






51. International Foundry Portoroz 2011

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  author="Marek {Kováč} and Vladimír {Krutiš},
  title="Numerical Simulation of Steel Ingot",
  booktitle="51. International Foundry Portoroz 2011",
  publisher="Druzstvo Livarjev Slovenije",