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Simulace větrání ve vstupní hale moravské zemské knihovny


Český název

Simulace větrání ve vstupní hale moravské zemské knihovny

Anglický název

CFD simulation of ventilation of entrance hall of moravian regional library


článek ve sborníku ve WoS nebo Scopus



Originální abstrakt

In the paper, based on MS Thesis by Julinek, 2001, the authors describe CFD modelling of the natural and mixed convection of air inside the entrance atrium of the Moravian library in Brno, Czech Republic. The eight-floor high atrium is formed with eight galleries, which are linked together with staircase, on one side and with glass wall on the other side. Inside the atrium, combination of natural and forced ventilation is used. The goal was to determine temperature and airflow fields, which are caused by interaction between air supply of fresh air and natural convection inside the entrance atrium. The problem was solved using a set of equations for incompressible, unsteady turbulent 3D flow with heat transfer and RNG k-e model of turbulence. The set of equations was solved using the control volume method and CFD code Star-CD.

Český abstrakt

In the paper, based on MS Thesis by Julinek, 2001, the authors describe CFD modelling of the natural and mixed convection of air inside the entrance atrium of the Moravian library in Brno, Czech Republic. The eight-floor high atrium is formed with eight galleries, which are linked together with staircase, on one side and with glass wall on the other side. Inside the atrium, combination of natural and forced ventilation is used. The goal was to determine temperature and airflow fields, which are caused by interaction between air supply of fresh air and natural convection inside the entrance atrium. The problem was solved using a set of equations for incompressible, unsteady turbulent 3D flow with heat transfer and RNG k-e model of turbulence. The set of equations was solved using the control volume method and CFD code Star-CD.

Anglický abstrakt

In the paper, based on MS Thesis by Julinek, 2001, the authors describe CFD modelling of the natural and mixed convection of air inside the entrance atrium of the Moravian library in Brno, Czech Republic. The eight-floor high atrium is formed with eight galleries, which are linked together with staircase, on one side and with glass wall on the other side. Inside the atrium, combination of natural and forced ventilation is used. The goal was to determine temperature and airflow fields, which are caused by interaction between air supply of fresh air and natural convection inside the entrance atrium. The problem was solved using a set of equations for incompressible, unsteady turbulent 3D flow with heat transfer and RNG k-e model of turbulence. The set of equations was solved using the control volume method and CFD code Star-CD.

Klíčová slova anglicky

CFD simulation, ventilation, passive solar design, energy saving






Slovenská polnohospodárska universita v NItre






XXI.medzinárodná vedecká konferencia katedier a pracovísk mechaniky tekutin a termomechaniky

Počet stran



  author="Jaroslav {Katolický} and Petr {Julínek} and Miroslav {Jícha},
  title="Simulace větrání ve vstupní hale moravské zemské knihovny",
  booktitle="XXI.medzinárodná vedecká konferencia katedier a pracovísk mechaniky tekutin a termomechaniky",
  publisher="Slovenská polnohospodárska universita v NItre",