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Metody zlepšování prostorového rozlišení obrazků


Český název

Metody zlepšování prostorového rozlišení obrazků

Anglický název

The methods of improving of spatial resolution of images


článek ve sborníku ve WoS nebo Scopus



Originální abstrakt

In many batch or short-run productions are often needed nearly 100 percent quality checking of all parts of products, subassembly and finally even assembly which are going to distribution. One from the most difficult tasks in quality control process is detailed inspection, which should catch as production defects, like dimensions defects, such the defects of visage. Because this one the automatic quality inspection without doubt increase the productivity of process and increase the quality of production as well. Of coarse there is the accuracy problem of implementation this inspection, because the resolution of CCD sensors is final and relatively low for measurement. We was focused to find and try to put on the methods how to increase these limitation. We tried to develop the methods for increasing the resolution using the series of images that are combined to one high-resolution image based on extraction of information from random sub-pixel movement of these images. During our work were designed and tested the mathematical methods and program modules for programming environment Matlab. The programming modules together with digital camera and 2D automatic position table offer the snapping of images, random movement of images, registration of image’s shifting in image series and their interpolation to one high resolution image, which is consecutive send to program for image processing.

Český abstrakt

Technická kontrola by měla býti nedílnou součástí každého pružného výrobního systému. V návaznosti na probíhající výzkum v oblasti CIM na našem ústavu je jedním z témat i tato kontrola. Vzhledem k současnému vybavení jdeme cestou využití průmyslové monochromatické CCD kamery pro měření důležitých rozměrů výrobků.

Anglický abstrakt

In many batch or short-run productions are often needed nearly 100 percent quality checking of all parts of products, subassembly and finally even assembly which are going to distribution. One from the most difficult tasks in quality control process is detailed inspection, which should catch as production defects, like dimensions defects, such the defects of visage. Because this one the automatic quality inspection without doubt increase the productivity of process and increase the quality of production as well. Of coarse there is the accuracy problem of implementation this inspection, because the resolution of CCD sensors is final and relatively low for measurement. We was focused to find and try to put on the methods how to increase these limitation. We tried to develop the methods for increasing the resolution using the series of images that are combined to one high-resolution image based on extraction of information from random sub-pixel movement of these images. During our work were designed and tested the mathematical methods and program modules for programming environment Matlab. The programming modules together with digital camera and 2D automatic position table offer the snapping of images, random movement of images, registration of image’s shifting in image series and their interpolation to one high resolution image, which is consecutive send to program for image processing.

Klíčová slova anglicky

increase of resolution,sub-pixel movement, image interpolation, image processing






Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava






13th International Conference on process Control'01

Počet stran



  author="František {Bradáč},
  title="The methods of improving of spatial resolution of images",
  booktitle="13th International Conference on process Control'01",
  publisher="Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava",