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Decomposition of Transient Signals in Cochlea - Problems of 2D Cochlea Model Development


Český název

Decomposition of Transient Signals in Cochlea - Problems of 2D Cochlea Model Development

Anglický název

Decomposition of Transient Signals in Cochlea - Problems of 2D Cochlea Model Development


konferenční sborník (ne článek)



Originální abstrakt

We have developed an 2D model of human cochlea that fulfills the conditions of cochley as frequency analyze. As a result of our mathematical modeling on 2D model the functioning of human cochlea as frequency analyzer was confirmed pursuant to the mechanical response from the stapes movements. The conformity with the results of Békésy experiments was achieved i.e. the position of maximal amplitude vibrations of basilar membrane was depending on frequency. We are continuing to test the model for more numerical experiments in order to simulate the function of coclea as the analyzer of transition signals. We believe our results demostrate the promise of large scale computational modelling approach to the study of ear mechanics

Český abstrakt

We have developed an 2D model of human cochlea that fulfills the conditions of cochley as frequency analyze. As a result of our mathematical modeling on 2D model the functioning of human cochlea as frequency analyzer was confirmed pursuant to the mechanical response from the stapes movements. The conformity with the results of Békésy experiments was achieved i.e. the position of maximal amplitude vibrations of basilar membrane was depending on frequency. We are continuing to test the model for more numerical experiments in order to simulate the function of coclea as the analyzer of transition signals. We believe our results demostrate the promise of large scale computational modelling approach to the study of ear mechanics

Anglický abstrakt

We have developed an 2D model of human cochlea that fulfills the conditions of cochley as frequency analyze. As a result of our mathematical modeling on 2D model the functioning of human cochlea as frequency analyzer was confirmed pursuant to the mechanical response from the stapes movements. The conformity with the results of Békésy experiments was achieved i.e. the position of maximal amplitude vibrations of basilar membrane was depending on frequency. We are continuing to test the model for more numerical experiments in order to simulate the function of coclea as the analyzer of transition signals. We believe our results demostrate the promise of large scale computational modelling approach to the study of ear mechanics

Klíčová slova česky

acoustics, cochley, modelling, FEM, signal

Klíčová slova anglicky

acoustics, cochley, modelling, FEM, signal




STU Bratislava



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  author="Daniel {Dušek} and Bindioa Gilbert {Ouali} and Karel {Pellant},
  title="Decomposition of Transient Signals in Cochlea – Problems of 2D Cochlea Model Development",
  publisher="STU Bratislava",