Detail publikace

Computational modelling of four legged walking robot


Anglický název

Computational modelling of four legged walking robot





Originální abstrakt

This presentation deals with the design of complex dynamic model of quadruped walking mobil robot. There is described the method of building and simulating of the numerical computational model. Complex model consist of the submodel of robotic mechanism, the DC motor, the gearbox model and the thermal model of electrical motor. In the presentation is also discussed application of computational model directly for control of robot and also as a data generator for global and local approximation method.

Anglický abstrakt

This presentation deals with the design of complex dynamic model of quadruped walking mobil robot. There is described the method of building and simulating of the numerical computational model. Complex model consist of the submodel of robotic mechanism, the DC motor, the gearbox model and the thermal model of electrical motor. In the presentation is also discussed application of computational model directly for control of robot and also as a data generator for global and local approximation method.

Klíčová slova anglicky

walking mobile robot, simmechanics, mbs model

