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Vývoj a realizace letounu VUT 001 Marabu pro ověření systémů UAV


Český název

Vývoj a realizace letounu VUT 001 Marabu pro ověření systémů UAV

Anglický název

Development and Realization of VUT 001 MARABU Aircraft for Experimental Verification of UAV Systems


audiovizuální tvorba



Originální abstrakt

Recent trend in the development of UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) for civil sector is confronted with non-existence of regulatory requirements for their design and operations. Development of an UAV is practically always connected also with development of ground control station. Simultaneous development of both major elements (aerial vehicle and ground control station) makes first flight tests risky with high probability of aerial vehicle destruction. Such development approach is possible only for very small UAVs (micro UAVs) or for military aircraft (where producers have special ranges available for tests). European airspace is limited for such tests. Furthermore, such development can be very expensive. On the other hand, adaptation of existing designs into OPV (Optionally Piloted Vehicles) cannot utilize full potential of the airframe for UAV missions. Information gained during participation of Institute of Aerospace Engineering (IAE) in European projects created base for realization of own experimental aircraft designed on IAE. Concept of the project proposed for the first stage piloted airplane – to overcome regulation barrier. After validation of basic aerodynamic performance and operational characteristics, step by step adaptation to full UAV will take place. Eventually, the pilot can be retained to overcome legal issues connected to unmanned vehicles (during otherwise fully automatic flights). Technological platform selected for realization included combination of the composite fuselage and all-metal wing. Design of the aircraft from the scratch enabled optimization of the airframe for wide variety of missions. For example, fuel tanks are designed to store great amount of fuel giving the airplane duration upto 7 hours (while conventional piloted airplanes of similar size have much more limited fuel tanks). Basic concept uses rear-mounted propeller to enable integration of sensors in the nose (such configuration is not typical in the given aircraft class). In the design of systems, an attention is given to functions important for future integration of UAV systems into the airplane. VUT 001 MARABU is an experimental test-bed for wide variety of UAV systems and related equipment. Within the size of the aircraft (max. take-off weight of 600kg), move towards the concept of more-electric-aircraft is done as far as practically possible. The paper also presents arrangements done to enable back-up of critical systems, if necessary, etc. This should offer significant advantage for integration of UAV systems into VUT 001 aircraft over existing conventional aircraft. Project consortium involves aviation industry and academia for the jet engine development and for the fuselage and wing production. Institute of Aerospace Engineering is the coordinator of the project and also applicant for "Permit to Fly" at CAA Czech Republic.

Český abstrakt

Současný trend ve vývoji UAV (leteckých bezpilotních prostředků) pro civilní sektor je konfrontováno s neexistencí požadavků předpisů pro jejich návrh a použití. Vývoj UAV je prakticky vždy spojen současně s vývojem pozemní řídící stanice. Současný vývoj obou kritických prvků (bezpilotního letounu i pozemní řídící stanice) znamená riziko s velkou pravděpodobností zničení letounu. Takový přístup k vývoji je možný pouze pro malé UAV nebo pro vojenské letouny (kde má výrobce k dispozici speciální prostory pro testování). Evropský prostor je pro takové zkoušky velmi omezen. Navíc může podobný vývoj být velmi nákladný. Na druhé straně, adaptace existujících letadel na OPV (Optionally Piloted Vehicles – volitelně pilotované prostředky) nemůže využít plný potenciál konstrukce k UAV misím. Letecký ústav při Vysokém učení technickém v Brně vytvořil základ pro realizaci vlastního experimentálního letounu plně vyvinutého na LÚ. Součástí konceptu je vývoj pilotovaného letounu v první fázi (pro překonání legislativní bariéry) s postupným přechodem na bezpilotní letoun (včetně experimenálního ověření vybraného vybavení). Letoun je realizován v rámci projektu VUT 001 Marabu.

Anglický abstrakt

Recent trend in the development of UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) for civil sector is confronted with non-existence of regulatory requirements for their design and operations. Development of an UAV is practically always connected also with development of ground control station. Simultaneous development of both major elements (aerial vehicle and ground control station) makes first flight tests risky with high probability of aerial vehicle destruction. Such development approach is possible only for very small UAVs (micro UAVs) or for military aircraft (where producers have special ranges available for tests). European airspace is limited for such tests. Furthermore, such development can be very expensive. On the other hand, adaptation of existing designs into OPV (Optionally Piloted Vehicles) cannot utilize full potential of the airframe for UAV missions. Information gained during participation of Institute of Aerospace Engineering (IAE) in European projects created base for realization of own experimental aircraft designed on IAE. Concept of the project proposed for the first stage piloted airplane – to overcome regulation barrier. After validation of basic aerodynamic performance and operational characteristics, step by step adaptation to full UAV will take place. Eventually, the pilot can be retained to overcome legal issues connected to unmanned vehicles (during otherwise fully automatic flights). Technological platform selected for realization included combination of the composite fuselage and all-metal wing. Design of the aircraft from the scratch enabled optimization of the airframe for wide variety of missions. For example, fuel tanks are designed to store great amount of fuel giving the airplane duration upto 7 hours (while conventional piloted airplanes of similar size have much more limited fuel tanks). Basic concept uses rear-mounted propeller to enable integration of sensors in the nose (such configuration is not typical in the given aircraft class). In the design of systems, an attention is given to functions important for future integration of UAV systems into the airplane. VUT 001 MARABU is an experimental test-bed for wide variety of UAV systems and related equipment. Within the size of the aircraft (max. take-off weight of 600kg), move towards the concept of more-electric-aircraft is done as far as practically possible. The paper also presents arrangements done to enable back-up of critical systems, if necessary, etc. This should offer significant advantage for integration of UAV systems into VUT 001 aircraft over existing conventional aircraft. Project consortium involves aviation industry and academia for the jet engine development and for the fuselage and wing production. Institute of Aerospace Engineering is the coordinator of the project and also applicant for "Permit to Fly" at CAA Czech Republic.

Klíčová slova česky

Marabu, UAV, letadlo

Klíčová slova anglicky

Marabu, UAV, aircraft




Česká odborná společnost letecká


Ústav letadlové techniky, ČVUT v Praze, FS Karlovo Náměstí 13, 121 35 Praha 2




Sborník 1. Národní konference Civilní bezpilotní systémy

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