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Letecký a kosmický výzkum na VUT v Brně - ČR a kooperace s evropskými univerzitami a institucemi


Český název

Letecký a kosmický výzkum na VUT v Brně - ČR a kooperace s evropskými univerzitami a institucemi

Anglický název

Aerospace Research at Brno University of Technology - Czech Rep. and Cooperation with European Universities and Institutions


audiovizuální tvorba



Originální abstrakt

The presentation is focused on the organizational structure of aerospace research at the Institute of Aerospace Engineering (IAE) and on the financial sources available at the university level. Organizational structure of Aerospace Research Centre (ARC) as well as description of the most important workpackages is included and the presentation also covers projects supported by Czech Republic's "Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports" and by "Ministry of Industry and Trade". A list of Czech and European universities, research institutes and industrial partners cooperating closely with IAE and description of involvement in the EU 6th FP (Framework Programme) shows scope of IAE's activities (including activities aimed at strengthening contacts with universities from new EU member states).

Český abstrakt

Prezentace výzkumných a vývojových aktivit VUT-FSI v Brně a kooperace s ostatními partnery v rámci EU. Konference byla organizována pod záštitou renomované německé letecké a kosmické instituce DLR (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt) za účasti zástupců Evropské komise.

Anglický abstrakt

The presentation is focused on the organizational structure of aerospace research at the Institute of Aerospace Engineering (IAE) and on the financial sources available at the university level. Organizational structure of Aerospace Research Centre (ARC) as well as description of the most important workpackages is included and the presentation also covers projects supported by Czech Republic's "Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports" and by "Ministry of Industry and Trade". A list of Czech and European universities, research institutes and industrial partners cooperating closely with IAE and description of involvement in the EU 6th FP (Framework Programme) shows scope of IAE's activities (including activities aimed at strengthening contacts with universities from new EU member states).

Klíčová slova česky

letectví, výzkum, univerzita

Klíčová slova anglicky

Aerospace, research, university




Conference on Cooperation with European Universities and Institutions, May 2006, Berlin, Německo

Číslo edice