Detail publikace

Optimalizace zařízení pro přenost tepla pomocí CFD


Český název

Optimalizace zařízení pro přenost tepla pomocí CFD

Anglický název

CFD based design optimisation of industrial heat transfer equipment


audiovizuální tvorba



Originální abstrakt

In this contribution, it is shown how methods of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) can be utilised for studying the flow inside of an exhaust duct of a waste sludge incineration plant. The flow pattern in this duct leads to fouling in a connected heat exchanger. CFD analysis is used to find what causes the fouling and to optimise the duct design in order to eliminate the undesirable phenomena. Several solution alternatives are proposed. The influence of a set of modelling parameters on the predictions is examined and conclusions about admissible simplifications for problems of similar nature are drawn. It is concluded that the insight gained by the CFD analysis is decisive for arriving to an improved design in this application.

Český abstrakt

Tato práce se zabývá využitím CFD při modelování proudění ve spalinovém potrubí spalovny kalů.

Anglický abstrakt

In this contribution, it is shown how methods of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) can be utilised for studying the flow inside of an exhaust duct of a waste sludge incineration plant. The flow pattern in this duct leads to fouling in a connected heat exchanger. CFD analysis is used to find what causes the fouling and to optimise the duct design in order to eliminate the undesirable phenomena. Several solution alternatives are proposed. The influence of a set of modelling parameters on the predictions is examined and conclusions about admissible simplifications for problems of similar nature are drawn. It is concluded that the insight gained by the CFD analysis is decisive for arriving to an improved design in this application.

Klíčová slova anglicky

CFD, heat transfer, optimisation, heat exchanger




Begell House, Inc.


ICHMT International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer, Norway


CHT-04: Advances in Computational Heat Transfer III.

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