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Strukturní analýza Al-Ni kompozitů
Český název
Strukturní analýza Al-Ni kompozitů
Anglický název
Structural Characterisation of Aluminium - Nickel Composities
Originální abstrakt
The aluminium matrix composites were prepared by HVOF spraying of nickel and nickel with 20wt.% chromium powders onto the aluminium sheet s surface followed by annealing at the temperature 600oC and 63oC. Immediately after the annealing was the composites rapidly cooled by fan down to the room temperature. At the interface between the original coating sprayed and aluminium matrix and produce stenghtening by stable Al3Ni and metastable Al9Ni2 particles. It seems that the origin of the less koown metastable Al9Ni2 phase also depends on fast cooling rate. The microstructures were obtained by scanning electron microscope and transmission electron microscope. Layers and Al+(Al3Ni + Al9Ni2) band thickness measurements were realized by means of image analyses. Chemical composition were estimated by energy dispersive microanalysis. Qualitative and quantitative x-ray diffraction was used for determination of phases.
Český abstrakt
The aluminium matrix composites were prepared by HVOF spraying of nickel and nickel with 20wt.% chromium powders onto the aluminium sheet s surface followed by annealing at the temperature 600oC and 63oC. Immediately after the annealing was the composites rapidly cooled by fan down to the room temperature. At the interface between the original coating sprayed and aluminium matrix and produce stenghtening by stable Al3Ni and metastable Al9Ni2 particles. It seems that the origin of the less koown metastable Al9Ni2 phase also depends on fast cooling rate. The microstructures were obtained by scanning electron microscope and transmission electron microscope. Layers and Al+(Al3Ni + Al9Ni2) band thickness measurements were realized by means of image analyses. Chemical composition were estimated by energy dispersive microanalysis. Qualitative and quantitative x-ray diffraction was used for determination of phases.
Anglický abstrakt
The aluminium matrix composites were prepared by HVOF spraying of nickel and nickel with 20wt.% chromium powders onto the aluminium sheet s surface followed by annealing at the temperature 600oC and 63oC. Immediately after the annealing was the composites rapidly cooled by fan down to the room temperature. At the interface between the original coating sprayed and aluminium matrix and produce stenghtening by stable Al3Ni and metastable Al9Ni2 particles. It seems that the origin of the less koown metastable Al9Ni2 phase also depends on fast cooling rate. The microstructures were obtained by scanning electron microscope and transmission electron microscope. Layers and Al+(Al3Ni + Al9Ni2) band thickness measurements were realized by means of image analyses. Chemical composition were estimated by energy dispersive microanalysis. Qualitative and quantitative x-ray diffraction was used for determination of phases.
Klíčová slova česky
difuze, Inconel 713LC, Al-Ni, niklové aluminidy, suspenze
Klíčová slova anglicky
diffusion, Al-Ni, Nickel-aluminide, powder liquid method
IInstitute of Technical Sciences of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Belgrade, Serbia
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