Detail publikace
Efektivní integrace biomasy v stávajícím spalovacím zařízení
Český název
Efektivní integrace biomasy v stávajícím spalovacím zařízení
Anglický název
Effective biomass integration into existing combustion plant
článek v časopise - ostatní, Jost
Originální abstrakt
Fossil fuels such as coal still dominate in current energy production plants. However due to large carbon footprint, rising prices and unclear availability of fossil fuels, increasing interest in renewable and alternative fuels is observable. The optimization approach introduced in this paper supports sustainable biomass-based fuels integration into existing large energy system. The plant involved in the case study produces approximately 3400 TJ of heat and 460 GWh of power per annum. It secures delivery of heat to residential areas, public institutions and industrial enterprises. There are three boilers installed in the boiler house and two of them are fired by coal and biomass. By implementing mid-term operation planning (one year, time step of one month) procedure the conditions for effective biomass utilization are identified first (optimum amount of fuels burned in every boiler with maximum profit with respect to export limitation). Later on, technical-economic limits for additional biomass share increase in the future are identified to support future investment planning. The plant model was built using real operation data and therefore is supposed to be as close to real plant as possible. A limited resource of various types of biomass over a year represents typical inventory type constraints and makes the problem multi-period. Since some of the transformation functions (e.g. input-output model of boiler and turbine) in the model are nonlinear, it is non-linear programming problem (NLP). The model is implemented in GAMS (General Algebraic Modeling System) optimization tool and solved using included solvers for NLP problems (MINOS, CONOPT). Excel interface was developed for user-friendly and comfortable work with GAMS and better result presentation. Sensitivity analysis of parameters such as fuel prices, energy prices, etc. is performed and results are presented and discussed.
Český abstrakt
Fosilní paliva, jako je uhlí, stále převládají v současných zařízeních pro výrobu energie. Avšak v poslední době se zvyšuje zájem o využití obnovitelná a alternativní paliva. Tento článek se zabývá efektivní integrací biomasových paliv do stávajícího energetického systému – teplárny. Přístup je založen na optimalizaci střednědobého plánování provozu s. Model teplárny je vytvořen na základě provozních dat. Některé funkce v modelu jsou nelineární a jedná se tedy o problém nelineárního programování. Problém je řešen v softwarovém prostředí GAMS. Dále je provedena analýza citlivosti na různé parametry (cena paliv) a jsou hodnoceny její výsledky.
Anglický abstrakt
Fossil fuels such as coal still dominate in current energy production plants. However due to large carbon footprint, rising prices and unclear availability of fossil fuels, increasing interest in renewable and alternative fuels is observable. The optimization approach introduced in this paper supports sustainable biomass-based fuels integration into existing large energy system. The plant involved in the case study produces approximately 3400 TJ of heat and 460 GWh of power per annum. It secures delivery of heat to residential areas, public institutions and industrial enterprises. There are three boilers installed in the boiler house and two of them are fired by coal and biomass. By implementing mid-term operation planning (one year, time step of one month) procedure the conditions for effective biomass utilization are identified first (optimum amount of fuels burned in every boiler with maximum profit with respect to export limitation). Later on, technical-economic limits for additional biomass share increase in the future are identified to support future investment planning. The plant model was built using real operation data and therefore is supposed to be as close to real plant as possible. A limited resource of various types of biomass over a year represents typical inventory type constraints and makes the problem multi-period. Since some of the transformation functions (e.g. input-output model of boiler and turbine) in the model are nonlinear, it is non-linear programming problem (NLP). The model is implemented in GAMS (General Algebraic Modeling System) optimization tool and solved using included solvers for NLP problems (MINOS, CONOPT). Excel interface was developed for user-friendly and comfortable work with GAMS and better result presentation. Sensitivity analysis of parameters such as fuel prices, energy prices, etc. is performed and results are presented and discussed.
Klíčová slova česky
integrace biomasy, optimalizace, nelineární programování, pránování provozu
Klíčová slova anglicky
biomass integration, optimization, non-linear programming, operation planning
Chemical Engineering Transactions
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author="Michal {Touš} and Martin {Pavlas} and Petr {Stehlík} and Pavel {Popela},
title="Effective biomass integration into existing combustion plant",
journal="Chemical Engineering Transactions",