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Cogeneration from biomass combustion in units with medium capacities


Český název

Cogeneration from biomass combustion in units with medium capacities

Anglický název

Cogeneration from biomass combustion in units with medium capacities


článek v časopise - ostatní, Jost



Originální abstrakt

Biomass in European climate conditions represents a promising renewable source of energy. The rise in energy production in the EU was 4.1 % (+ 2.4 Mtoe), 1.0 % (+ 660 Gtoe) and 2.3 % in 2006, 2007 and 2008 respectively (EurObserv'ER 69, 2009). Majority of today's European electricity production from biomass comes from large power plants operating in paper or wood industry. These power plants valorize wastes coming from their operation in form of combined heat and power generation – cogeneration (CHP). Development of biomass-derived electricity production entered a steep rise in recent years. An increase of 4.4 % (+ 2.08 TWh) and 10.8 % (+ 5.60 TWh), in 2007 and 2008 respectively was noticed in the EU. Cogeneration system is characterized by high fuel utilization rate (up to 68 – 85 %, Petchers 2003). Therefore it should be preferred in every application where it is technically and economically feasible. In a scope of mid-range capacities units, it is assumed to apply units with boilers' outputs up to 10 MWs. These units will be a part of a heat supply system for bigger cities or industrial enterprises. Transport of biomass over distances becomes uneconomical in areas where the density of biomass is lower. Therefore the number of installed units with capacities of several MWs will increase. Especially the units with thermal output in range of 1 up to 3 MWs seem to be a very attractive option. Except of primary cheap heat they will also be able to profit from produced electricity. In certain countries they can get subsidies for biomass-based electricity generation. Supplementary electricity generation represents an interesting alternative only in case of a correct choice of technology and respecting certain specific factors. A computational model was designed as a supporting tool.

Český abstrakt

Biomass in European climate conditions represents a promising renewable source of energy. The rise in energy production in the EU was 4.1 % (+ 2.4 Mtoe), 1.0 % (+ 660 Gtoe) and 2.3 % in 2006, 2007 and 2008 respectively (EurObserv'ER 69, 2009). Majority of today's European electricity production from biomass comes from large power plants operating in paper or wood industry. These power plants valorize wastes coming from their operation in form of combined heat and power generation – cogeneration (CHP). Development of biomass-derived electricity production entered a steep rise in recent years. An increase of 4.4 % (+ 2.08 TWh) and 10.8 % (+ 5.60 TWh), in 2007 and 2008 respectively was noticed in the EU. Cogeneration system is characterized by high fuel utilization rate (up to 68 – 85 %, Petchers 2003). Therefore it should be preferred in every application where it is technically and economically feasible. In a scope of mid-range capacities units, it is assumed to apply units with boilers' outputs up to 10 MWs. These units will be a part of a heat supply system for bigger cities or industrial enterprises. Transport of biomass over distances becomes uneconomical in areas where the density of biomass is lower. Therefore the number of installed units with capacities of several MWs will increase. Especially the units with thermal output in range of 1 up to 3 MWs seem to be a very attractive option. Except of primary cheap heat they will also be able to profit from produced electricity. In certain countries they can get subsidies for biomass-based electricity generation. Supplementary electricity generation represents an interesting alternative only in case of a correct choice of technology and respecting certain specific factors. A computational model was designed as a supporting tool.

Anglický abstrakt

Biomass in European climate conditions represents a promising renewable source of energy. The rise in energy production in the EU was 4.1 % (+ 2.4 Mtoe), 1.0 % (+ 660 Gtoe) and 2.3 % in 2006, 2007 and 2008 respectively (EurObserv'ER 69, 2009). Majority of today's European electricity production from biomass comes from large power plants operating in paper or wood industry. These power plants valorize wastes coming from their operation in form of combined heat and power generation – cogeneration (CHP). Development of biomass-derived electricity production entered a steep rise in recent years. An increase of 4.4 % (+ 2.08 TWh) and 10.8 % (+ 5.60 TWh), in 2007 and 2008 respectively was noticed in the EU. Cogeneration system is characterized by high fuel utilization rate (up to 68 – 85 %, Petchers 2003). Therefore it should be preferred in every application where it is technically and economically feasible. In a scope of mid-range capacities units, it is assumed to apply units with boilers' outputs up to 10 MWs. These units will be a part of a heat supply system for bigger cities or industrial enterprises. Transport of biomass over distances becomes uneconomical in areas where the density of biomass is lower. Therefore the number of installed units with capacities of several MWs will increase. Especially the units with thermal output in range of 1 up to 3 MWs seem to be a very attractive option. Except of primary cheap heat they will also be able to profit from produced electricity. In certain countries they can get subsidies for biomass-based electricity generation. Supplementary electricity generation represents an interesting alternative only in case of a correct choice of technology and respecting certain specific factors. A computational model was designed as a supporting tool.

Klíčová slova česky

cogeneration, biomass, electricity production

Klíčová slova anglicky

cogeneration, biomass, electricity production






Česká společnost chemického inženýrství






Chemical Engineering Transactions





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  author="Ondřej {Grolig} and Martin {Pavlas} and Jiří {Šikula} and Petr {Stehlík},
  title="Cogeneration from biomass combustion in units with medium capacities",
  journal="Chemical Engineering Transactions",
  publisher="Česká společnost chemického inženýrství",