Detail publikace

Ekonomické možnosti OEZ v ČR


Český název

Ekonomické možnosti OEZ v ČR

Anglický název

The Economics of renewable energy sources in the Czech Republic


článek ve sborníku ve WoS nebo Scopus



Originální abstrakt

This paper analyses the economic potential of the renewable energy sources in comparison with fossil and nuclear fuels. Compares the structure of the primary energy sources consumption in the world scale and in the Czech Republic. In table form are displayed production and specific investment costs for selected technologies of electrical energy production: wind, solar and hydro power plant, biomass fuel power plant and for comparison coal fired power plant, nuclear and combined cycle power plant. Conditions for applying of the renewable sources are specified in competition with fossil and nuclear fuels. At the conclusion are described future possibilities of the renewable energy sources utilisation in the Czech Republic.

Český abstrakt

This paper analyses the economic potential of the renewable energy sources in comparison with fossil and nuclear fuels. Compares the structure of the primary energy sources consumption in the world scale and in the Czech Republic. In table form are displayed production and specific investment costs for selected technologies of electrical energy production: wind, solar and hydro power plant, biomass fuel power plant and for comparison coal fired power plant, nuclear and combined cycle power plant. Conditions for applying of the renewable sources are specified in competition with fossil and nuclear fuels. At the conclusion are described future possibilities of the renewable energy sources utilisation in the Czech Republic.

Anglický abstrakt

This paper analyses the economic potential of the renewable energy sources in comparison with fossil and nuclear fuels. Compares the structure of the primary energy sources consumption in the world scale and in the Czech Republic. In table form are displayed production and specific investment costs for selected technologies of electrical energy production: wind, solar and hydro power plant, biomass fuel power plant and for comparison coal fired power plant, nuclear and combined cycle power plant. Conditions for applying of the renewable sources are specified in competition with fossil and nuclear fuels. At the conclusion are described future possibilities of the renewable energy sources utilisation in the Czech Republic.

Klíčová slova anglicky

primary energy sources, renewable energy sources, investment costs, efficiency






WACRA Europe, e. V.


Brno, Česká republika


XIX. International Conference Long Term Responsibility for Sustainable Life - The Book of Abstracts

Číslo edice


Počet stran



  author="Jan {Fiedler},
  title="The Economics of renewable energy sources in the Czech Republic",
  booktitle="XIX. International Conference Long Term Responsibility for Sustainable Life - The Book of Abstracts",
  publisher="WACRA Europe, e. V.",
  address="Brno, Česká republika"