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Postnatal Development of the Urine Cortisol/Creatinine Ratio in the Dog
Český název
Postnatal Development of the Urine Cortisol/Creatinine Ratio in the Dog
Anglický název
Postnatal Development of the Urine Cortisol/Creatinine Ratio in the Dog
článek v časopise - ostatní, Jost
Originální abstrakt
The objective of this study was to determine the cortisol to creatinine ratio in urine of growing puppies between birth and the age of 8 weeks. Beagle puppies (n = 14) of three litters were used. The puppies of litters 1 and 2 were from a research breeding facility and litter 3 from a dog breeder. They were nursed by their dams and obtained extra puppy food from the 4th week of age. The puppies were weighed weekly. Morning urine was sampled at the age of up to 48 h, and 7, 14, 21, 24, 35, and 56 days. Urine cortisol was measured using the RIA method, and creatinine was determined using a diagnostic kit. The urine cortisol to creatinine ratio (UCCR) was calculated. The body mass of all puppies increased more than ten times, and most of its increments from week to week were significant (p < 0.05 to p < 0.001). The UCCR for litters 1 and 2 as against litter 3 showed no significant differences and therefore the results were pooled. Thus no effect of the rearing environment upon this indicator was found. The UCCR values in puppies aged up to 48 h was 44.32 +- 30.47 x 10-6. Its following changes (a decrease to 30.52 +- 12.98 x 10-6 on day 7 and oscillations around these values until day 49) as well as an increase on day 56 were not significant. Characteristic features of the UCCR in puppies were values surpassing those reported for healthy adult animals, and a great inter-individual variability, presumably reflecting the maturation processes such as changes in body mass, nutrition, locomotory activity and maturation of their urinary system.
Český abstrakt
Cílem studie bylo stanovit poměr kortisolu a kreatininu (UCCR) v moči rostoucích štěňat od narození do věku osmi týdnů. Použita byla štěňata plemene bígl (n = 14), ze tří vrhů. Vrhy 1 a 2 byly odchovávány ve výzkumném zařízení, vrh 3 u chovatele. Všechna štěňata byla kojena a od 4. týdne přikrmována. Jednou týdně byla vážena. Ranní moč byla odebírána ve věku do 48 h, a poté 7., 14., 21., 35. a 56. den po narození. Koncentrace kortisolu v moči byla měřena pomocí RIA metody, ke stanovení kreatininu byl použit diagnostický kit. Z výsledků byl vypočítáván poměr kortisolu a kreatininu. Hmotnost štěňat vzrostla v pokusném údobí více než 10 x, její vzestupy byly vesměs významné (p ? 0.05 až p ? 0.001). V poměru kortisolu a kreatininu nebyly mezi vrhy nalezeny rozdíly, proto byly všechny hodnoty sloučeny. Vliv různého prostředí se tedy na UCCR neprojevil. UCCR štěňat do 48 h po narození byl 44,32 +- 30,47 x 10-6 . Následující změny (pokles na 30,52 +- 12,98 x 10-6 do 7. dne a podobné hodnoty do 49. dne), podobně jako vzestup 56 dne významné nebyly. Charakteristickým znakem UCCR štěňat byly hodnoty přesahující nálezy u dospělých psů a velká individuální variabilita, pravděpodobně reflektující procesy maturace jako jsou změny hmotnosti, výživy, pohybové aktivity a dalších funkcí.
Anglický abstrakt
The objective of this study was to determine the cortisol to creatinine ratio in urine of growing puppies between birth and the age of 8 weeks. Beagle puppies (n = 14) of three litters were used. The puppies of litters 1 and 2 were from a research breeding facility and litter 3 from a dog breeder. They were nursed by their dams and obtained extra puppy food from the 4th week of age. The puppies were weighed weekly. Morning urine was sampled at the age of up to 48 h, and 7, 14, 21, 24, 35, and 56 days. Urine cortisol was measured using the RIA method, and creatinine was determined using a diagnostic kit. The urine cortisol to creatinine ratio (UCCR) was calculated. The body mass of all puppies increased more than ten times, and most of its increments from week to week were significant (p < 0.05 to p < 0.001). The UCCR for litters 1 and 2 as against litter 3 showed no significant differences and therefore the results were pooled. Thus no effect of the rearing environment upon this indicator was found. The UCCR values in puppies aged up to 48 h was 44.32 +- 30.47 x 10-6. Its following changes (a decrease to 30.52 +- 12.98 x 10-6 on day 7 and oscillations around these values until day 49) as well as an increase on day 56 were not significant. Characteristic features of the UCCR in puppies were values surpassing those reported for healthy adult animals, and a great inter-individual variability, presumably reflecting the maturation processes such as changes in body mass, nutrition, locomotory activity and maturation of their urinary system.
Klíčová slova česky
postnatální věk, Beagle, růst, tělesná hmotnost, moč, kortizol, kreatinin
Klíčová slova anglicky
Early postnatal period, Beagle, growth, body mass, urine, cortisol, creatinine
University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences in Brno
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author="Kateřina {Vostatková} and Pavel {Štarha} and Pavel {Kaláb} and Jana {Blahová} and Eva {Baranyiová},
title="Postnatal Development of the Urine Cortisol/Creatinine Ratio in the Dog",
publisher="University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences in Brno",