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Výpočtové modelování chování sférické kavity v elastomerním materiálu

SKÁCEL, P. Burša, J.

Český název

Výpočtové modelování chování sférické kavity v elastomerním materiálu

Anglický název

Computational Modelling of Spherical Cavity Behavior in Rubber-like Solids


článek v časopise - ostatní, Jost



Originální abstrakt

Strain and stress states of rubber solids from the point of view of rubber failure will be discussed in the paper. The analysis is motivated by the endeavour to determine the general criterion describing the failure of elastomers as a consequence of static loading. Such a criterion would make an evaluation of stress analyses of elastomeric solids possible. It especially would enable us to determinate the failure safety factor of general elastomeric components under general static loading. In opposite to standard crystalline materials there is no applicable failure criterion valid for elastomeric materials. Computational modelling via FEM is used for the analysis. The hypothetical void (cavity) is modelled, the analysis consists in this cavity behaviour modelling under various types of loading. The attention is, among others, focused on the triaxial tension loading. This stress state is not very frequent in the case of usual engineering materials, however, it is quite common in the case of rubber-like materials, especially in locations near the interface to an other substantially stiffer material (e.g. steel). This triaxial stress state comes into existence as a consequence of a high stiffness mismatch between these kinds of materials.

Český abstrakt

V článku jsou diskutovány deformačně napěťové stavy v elastomerech z hlediska porušování pryže. Porušení je predikováno na základě napjatosti na povrchu hypotetické kavity, zjištěné výpočtovým modelováním.

Anglický abstrakt

Strain and stress states of rubber solids from the point of view of rubber failure will be discussed in the paper. The analysis is motivated by the endeavour to determine the general criterion describing the failure of elastomers as a consequence of static loading. Such a criterion would make an evaluation of stress analyses of elastomeric solids possible. It especially would enable us to determinate the failure safety factor of general elastomeric components under general static loading. In opposite to standard crystalline materials there is no applicable failure criterion valid for elastomeric materials. Computational modelling via FEM is used for the analysis. The hypothetical void (cavity) is modelled, the analysis consists in this cavity behaviour modelling under various types of loading. The attention is, among others, focused on the triaxial tension loading. This stress state is not very frequent in the case of usual engineering materials, however, it is quite common in the case of rubber-like materials, especially in locations near the interface to an other substantially stiffer material (e.g. steel). This triaxial stress state comes into existence as a consequence of a high stiffness mismatch between these kinds of materials.

Klíčová slova česky

Pryž, výpočtové modelování, kavita

Klíčová slova anglicky

Rubber, computational modelling, cavity








Materials Science Forum





Počet stran



  author="Pavel {Skácel} and Jiří {Burša},
  title="Computational Modelling of Spherical Cavity Behavior in Rubber-like Solids",
  journal="Materials Science Forum",