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Automatic anlysis and recognition of moving objects in the picture by method of phase correlation
Český název
Automatic anlysis and recognition of moving objects in the picture by method of phase correlation
Anglický název
Automatic anlysis and recognition of moving objects in the picture by method of phase correlation
článek v časopise - ostatní, Jost
Originální abstrakt
The paper deals with automatically analysis and recognition of moving objects in the picture. The paper is a part area computer graphic.For analysis to solve this method of Phase correlation that works with spectums of picture obtained by a camera. The method is planned to be tested on moving objects in areas of biomedicine or genetics.
Český abstrakt
Tato práce se zabývá automatickou analýzou a rozpoznáním pohybujících se objektů v obraze. Tato práce spadá do oblasti počítačové grafiky. Pro řešení byla zvolena metoda Fázové korelace, která pracuje se spektry obrazů získaných z kamery Tato metada bude testována na pohybujících se objektech z oblasti biomedicíny nebo genetiky.
Anglický abstrakt
The paper deals with automatically analysis and recognition of moving objects in the picture. The paper is a part area computer graphic.For analysis to solve this method of Phase correlation that works with spectums of picture obtained by a camera. The method is planned to be tested on moving objects in areas of biomedicine or genetics.
Klíčová slova česky
pohyb, objekt, obraz, rozpoznávání, fázová korelace
Klíčová slova anglicky
move, object, picture, recognition, phase correlation
Warsaw University of Technology, Brno University of Technology
5th International Conference Warsaw, Poland
Počet stran
author="Jiří {Berjak} and Miloslav {Druckmüller},
title="Automatic anlysis and recognition of moving objects in the picture by method of phase correlation",
publisher="Warsaw University of Technology, Brno University of Technology",
address="5th International Conference Warsaw, Poland"