Detail publikace

Výběr utilit z různých úhlů pohledu


Český název

Výběr utilit z různých úhlů pohledu

Anglický název

Selection of Utilities From Various Points of View


článek ve sborníku ve WoS nebo Scopus



Originální abstrakt

At present heat and power demand both in process industry and in municipal sector is increased every year. Therefore it is necessary to introduce new utility systems or make retrofit of existing ones. At the same time well developed and up-to-date systems are required from both environmental protection and economic and technical and/or technology points of view. This paper deals with an optimum selection of a co-generation system based on its utilisation. A method for selecting a suitable heat and power system is described in detail. For an optimum choice relatively simple thermodynamic models of utility systems are used. Criteria based on the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics provide us with a possibility of an appropriate technical evaluation. An economic evaluation is based on payback, net present value and internal rate of return. The selection of a convenient system is shown in a case study dealing with design of a new heat and power system in an industrial company. This selection takes into consideration both a minimum impact on environment and economic factor (acceptable payback) provided a high technical standard has been achieved. A sensitivity analysis related to changes in inlet parameters (fuel and power costs) which have a direct impact on the economics of the system has been carried out in the case study. Setting up a procedure for a rapid and reliable decision making for a given system was the main purpose of this work. As described above attention was devoted to environmental impacts and economic analysis which obviously belong to the most important criteria in decision making.

Český abstrakt

Tento příspěvek se zabývá optimálním výběrem kogeneračního systému založeného na jeho využití. Metody pro výběr vhodného tepelného a energetického systému jsou detailně popsány. Pro výběr optimálního utility systému jsou použity poměrně jednoduché termodynamické modely. Kritéria založená na prvním a druhém zákonu termodynamiky nám poskytují možnost vhodného technického zhodnocení. Ekonomické zhodnocení je založeno na návratnosti, čisté aktuální hodnotě a vnitřní návratnosti.

Anglický abstrakt

At present heat and power demand both in process industry and in municipal sector is increased every year. Therefore it is necessary to introduce new utility systems or make retrofit of existing ones. At the same time well developed and up-to-date systems are required from both environmental protection and economic and technical and/or technology points of view. This paper deals with an optimum selection of a co-generation system based on its utilisation. A method for selecting a suitable heat and power system is described in detail. For an optimum choice relatively simple thermodynamic models of utility systems are used. Criteria based on the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics provide us with a possibility of an appropriate technical evaluation. An economic evaluation is based on payback, net present value and internal rate of return. The selection of a convenient system is shown in a case study dealing with design of a new heat and power system in an industrial company. This selection takes into consideration both a minimum impact on environment and economic factor (acceptable payback) provided a high technical standard has been achieved. A sensitivity analysis related to changes in inlet parameters (fuel and power costs) which have a direct impact on the economics of the system has been carried out in the case study. Setting up a procedure for a rapid and reliable decision making for a given system was the main purpose of this work. As described above attention was devoted to environmental impacts and economic analysis which obviously belong to the most important criteria in decision making.

Klíčová slova anglicky





AIDIC - the Italian Association of Chemical Engineering


Florence, Italy


4th Conference Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction

Počet stran



  author="Petr {Martinák} and Petr {Stehlík} and Jiří {Šálek} and Jiří {Hájek},
  title="Selection of Utilities From Various Points of View",
  booktitle="4th Conference Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction",
  publisher="AIDIC - the Italian Association of Chemical Engineering",
  address="Florence, Italy"