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Barevný kontrast v praktické metalografii


Český název

Barevný kontrast v praktické metalografii

Anglický název

Colour Contrast in Practical Metallography


článek v časopise - ostatní, Jost



Originální abstrakt

The sum of information furnished by light microscopy can be substantially extended by using colour contrast of structural components. Colour contrast could be further enhanced by up-to-date microscope attacments or specimen surface processing. This contribution has been created on base of new book authors. The destination "colour metallography" very often indicates any use of the colour of structural components in the metallographic analysis. It emphasizes documentation of metallographic evaluation in the of colour microphotography. If colour metallography is understood in this way, than a number of objections is expressed, such as: the collour of a phase is not representative, colour is not reproducible, etc. Thus in the practical metallography we make use of the colour contrast (colour difference) between various phases, regardless of specific colour. If we could invoke, by suitable method, e.g. the green-yellow contrast, this contrast is definitely more expressed as usual dark gray-light gray contrast. Furthermore, it is often possible to obtain colour contrast from structure elements, where black-white (gray) contrast could not be received by usual means. Thus new information concerning structure are available. For avoiding confusion, we shall not use the term colour metallography and we shall pay our attention to a set of methods of light microscopy that use the colour contrast of structural elements as a source of new information about the structure.

Anglický abstrakt

The sum of information furnished by light microscopy can be substantially extended by using colour contrast of structural components. Colour contrast could be further enhanced by up-to-date microscope attacments or specimen surface processing. This contribution has been created on base of new book authors. The destination "colour metallography" very often indicates any use of the colour of structural components in the metallographic analysis. It emphasizes documentation of metallographic evaluation in the of colour microphotography. If colour metallography is understood in this way, than a number of objections is expressed, such as: the collour of a phase is not representative, colour is not reproducible, etc. Thus in the practical metallography we make use of the colour contrast (colour difference) between various phases, regardless of specific colour. If we could invoke, by suitable method, e.g. the green-yellow contrast, this contrast is definitely more expressed as usual dark gray-light gray contrast. Furthermore, it is often possible to obtain colour contrast from structure elements, where black-white (gray) contrast could not be received by usual means. Thus new information concerning structure are available. For avoiding confusion, we shall not use the term colour metallography and we shall pay our attention to a set of methods of light microscopy that use the colour contrast of structural elements as a source of new information about the structure.

Klíčová slova anglicky

colour metallography, structure, polarised light, differential interference contrast, interference layer, colour etching











Počet stran



  author="Tomáš {Podrábský} and Petr {Skočovský},
  title="Colour Contrast in Practical Metallography",