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Odstraňování okují pulsujícím vodním paprskem


Český název

Odstraňování okují pulsujícím vodním paprskem

Anglický název

Descaling by Pulsating Water Jet


článek ve sborníku ve WoS nebo Scopus



Originální abstrakt

Descaling is the process when scales are removed by water jet. In Academy of science in Ostrava, they have patented device called pulsator which can add to the water some extra energy in the form of high-frequency pressure pulses which disintegrate flat water jet. This paper deals with a new study of removing scales using pulsations and its comparison with descaling process without pulsating water jet. There are two main factors the thermal shock and the impact pressure applied by the impinging water onto the surface. During cold rolling is important only impact pressure. The descaling by pulsating water jet was also tested on the sheets generally used during cold rolling, because pulses create very short pressure peaks in the impact area higher than 300 MPa. While during the descaling without pulses is impact pressure approximately 1 – 5 MPa. Heat transfer and descaling tests were performed on carbon steel plate and steel sheet with a high percentage of silicon. Just these scales are very difficult for removing from the surface. It was found out that the pulsations have influence on the heat transfer and removing scales from the hot surfaces of steel. Tests for descaling on the cold sheets showed that the scale layer is thinner for the case of pulsating water jet with comparison to the scale thickness after descaling by the non pulsating water jet.

Český abstrakt

Odstraňování okují je proces kdy okuje jsou odstraňovány vodním paprskem. Na Akademii věd ČR bylo patentováno zařízení s názvem pulsátor, který může dodat vodě energii ve formě vysoce rychlostního tlaku s rozpadajícím se plochým vodním paprskem. Příspěvek se zabývá studií odstranění okují použitím pulsace a srovnáním této metody s procesem bez pulsace.

Anglický abstrakt

Descaling is the process when scales are removed by water jet. In Academy of science in Ostrava, they have patented device called pulsator which can add to the water some extra energy in the form of high-frequency pressure pulses which disintegrate flat water jet. This paper deals with a new study of removing scales using pulsations and its comparison with descaling process without pulsating water jet. There are two main factors the thermal shock and the impact pressure applied by the impinging water onto the surface. During cold rolling is important only impact pressure. The descaling by pulsating water jet was also tested on the sheets generally used during cold rolling, because pulses create very short pressure peaks in the impact area higher than 300 MPa. While during the descaling without pulses is impact pressure approximately 1 – 5 MPa. Heat transfer and descaling tests were performed on carbon steel plate and steel sheet with a high percentage of silicon. Just these scales are very difficult for removing from the surface. It was found out that the pulsations have influence on the heat transfer and removing scales from the hot surfaces of steel. Tests for descaling on the cold sheets showed that the scale layer is thinner for the case of pulsating water jet with comparison to the scale thickness after descaling by the non pulsating water jet.

Klíčová slova česky

odstraňování okují, pulsace, vodní paprsek

Klíčová slova anglicky

pulsating, descaling, water jet






Tanger s.r.o.




Sborník konference

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  author="Milan {Hnízdil} and Miroslav {Raudenský},
  title="Descaling by Pulsating Water Jet",
  booktitle="Sborník konference",
  publisher="Tanger s.r.o.",