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O slabých reflekcích v některých třídách topologických prostorů


Český název

O slabých reflekcích v některých třídách topologických prostorů

Anglický název

On the weak reflections in some classes of topological spaces


článek ve sborníku ve WoS nebo Scopus



Originální abstrakt

The topic of weak reflections namely in compact spaces a has nice and long history. First I heard the beginning of the story in 1990 by J. Rosick\'y and then by M. Hu\v sek during my studies. I heard that it was perhaps Z. Frol\'\i k who 35 years ago in some occasion mentioned the question: {\it Is there a compactification $\gamma X$ of a topological space $X$ such that every continuous mapping from $X$ into any compact space $Y$ can be continuously extended to $\gamma X$?} In other words: {\it Is the class of compact spaces weakly reflective in the class of topological spaces?}

Český abstrakt

V práci zkoumáme možnost slabé reflekce topologického prostoru v některých třídách topologických prostorů, které obsahují kompaktní prostory jako podtřídu.

Anglický abstrakt

The topic of weak reflections namely in compact spaces a has nice and long history. First I heard the beginning of the story in 1990 by J. Rosick\'y and then by M. Hu\v sek during my studies. I heard that it was perhaps Z. Frol\'\i k who 35 years ago in some occasion mentioned the question: {\it Is there a compactification $\gamma X$ of a topological space $X$ such that every continuous mapping from $X$ into any compact space $Y$ can be continuously extended to $\gamma X$?} In other words: {\it Is the class of compact spaces weakly reflective in the class of topological spaces?}

Klíčová slova anglicky

weak reflections, extensions and compactifications




Istanbul University


Abstracts of the First Turkish International Conference on Topology and Its Applications

Číslo edice


Počet stran



  author="Martin {Kovár},
  title="On the weak reflections in some classes of topological spaces",
  booktitle="Abstracts of the First Turkish International Conference on Topology and Its Applications",
  publisher="Istanbul University"