Detail publikace

Tensegritní MKP modely mechanických zkoušek izolovaných buněk


Český název

Tensegritní MKP modely mechanických zkoušek izolovaných buněk

Anglický název

Tensegrity FE models of mechanical tests of individual cells


článek ve sborníku ve WoS nebo Scopus



Originální abstrakt

The paper deals with computational finite element modelling of various mechanical tests carried out with individual cells. Our attention is focused on smooth muscle cells of the vascular wall. A changed loading of the vascular wall initiate a response of these cells in the form of tissue remodelation. The increased load is supposed to initiate exoskeleton stiffening with the aim to bring the cell load back to the physiological values. To understand these processes, it is necessary to know the mechanical properties of the cell and to model its mechanical behaviour. In our contribution FE models of an individual smooth muscle cell are presented, at various levels of the cell structure: a) Cell as a homogeneous isotropic hyperelastic continuum. b) Cell model consisting of nucleus, sarcoplasm, cortex (modelled by shell elements on the cell surface) and endoskeleton (modelled as a simple tensegrity structure with 6 struts and 24 cables, all with linear elastic properties). c) Cell model with a more complex tensegrity structure representing the endoskeleton. A model of endoskeleton containing 30 struts and 60 cables has been proposed and tested. Simulation of tension tests and indentation tests (based on atomic force microscopy) using the above models will be presented in the paper. Attempts are made to identify the constitutive parameters of the models. In model a) an iterative identification of five parameters of the Mooney-Rivlin hyperelastic model was carried out. In models b) and c) the possibilities of identification of parameters are tested and the sensitivity of the results on the changes in elastic moduli of the individual components is investigated. Possibilities of creation of tensegrity models of the endoskeleton are also discussed.

Český abstrakt

Příspěvek prezentuje výsledky simulace vtlačovací zkoušky hladké svalové buňky pomocí MKP modelu s cytoskeletem modelovaným tensegritní strukturou.

Anglický abstrakt

The paper deals with computational finite element modelling of various mechanical tests carried out with individual cells. Our attention is focused on smooth muscle cells of the vascular wall. A changed loading of the vascular wall initiate a response of these cells in the form of tissue remodelation. The increased load is supposed to initiate exoskeleton stiffening with the aim to bring the cell load back to the physiological values. To understand these processes, it is necessary to know the mechanical properties of the cell and to model its mechanical behaviour. In our contribution FE models of an individual smooth muscle cell are presented, at various levels of the cell structure: a) Cell as a homogeneous isotropic hyperelastic continuum. b) Cell model consisting of nucleus, sarcoplasm, cortex (modelled by shell elements on the cell surface) and endoskeleton (modelled as a simple tensegrity structure with 6 struts and 24 cables, all with linear elastic properties). c) Cell model with a more complex tensegrity structure representing the endoskeleton. A model of endoskeleton containing 30 struts and 60 cables has been proposed and tested. Simulation of tension tests and indentation tests (based on atomic force microscopy) using the above models will be presented in the paper. Attempts are made to identify the constitutive parameters of the models. In model a) an iterative identification of five parameters of the Mooney-Rivlin hyperelastic model was carried out. In models b) and c) the possibilities of identification of parameters are tested and the sensitivity of the results on the changes in elastic moduli of the individual components is investigated. Possibilities of creation of tensegrity models of the endoskeleton are also discussed.

Klíčová slova anglicky

Tensegrity, FE model, eucaryotic cell, cytoskeleton






European Society of Biomechanics


Munich, Germany


Abstracts of 5th World Congress of Biomechanics


Nezařazené články

Počet stran



  author="Jiří {Burša} and Radek {Lebiš},
  title="Tensegrity FE models of mechanical tests of individual cells",
  journal="Nezařazené články",
  booktitle="Abstracts of 5th World Congress of Biomechanics",
  publisher="European Society of Biomechanics",
  address="Munich, Germany"