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Modelování disperze suspendovaných částic v městských oblastech kombinací modelů dvou měřítek


Český název

Modelování disperze suspendovaných částic v městských oblastech kombinací modelů dvou měřítek

Anglický název

Two-Scale Modeling of PM Dispersion in Large Urban Area


článek ve sborníku ve WoS nebo Scopus



Originální abstrakt

In the paper authors describe two-scale PM dispersion modeling in an urban area. CFD code StarCD was used to build up two models of the urban area. Combination of the regional model and the local scale model is used for the correct description of dispersion processes. The regional solution domain represents an area 12 x12 km. The local solution domain represents an area of approximately 1 x1 km. Traffic is considered as the primary source of airborne particles. The paper focuses on the modeling of deposition process of PM in an urban area and an accompanying process of re-suspension of once deposited particles that are lifted by traffic and dispersed into surroundings. Concentrations of PM10 are modeled and compared with results of measurements carried out in several locations of the solution domain.

Český abstrakt

In the paper authors describe two-scale PM dispersion modeling in an urban area. CFD code StarCD was used to build up two models of the urban area. Combination of the regional model and the local scale model is used for the correct description of dispersion processes. The regional solution domain represents an area 12 x 12 km. The local solution domain represents an area of approximately 1 x1 km. Traffic is considered as the primary source of airborne particles. The paper focuses on the modeling of deposition process of PM in an urban area and an accompanying process of re-suspension of once deposited particles that are lifted by traffic and dispersed into surroundings. Concentrations of PM10 are modeled and compared with results of measurements carried out in several locations of the solution domain.

Anglický abstrakt

In the paper authors describe two-scale PM dispersion modeling in an urban area. CFD code StarCD was used to build up two models of the urban area. Combination of the regional model and the local scale model is used for the correct description of dispersion processes. The regional solution domain represents an area 12 x12 km. The local solution domain represents an area of approximately 1 x1 km. Traffic is considered as the primary source of airborne particles. The paper focuses on the modeling of deposition process of PM in an urban area and an accompanying process of re-suspension of once deposited particles that are lifted by traffic and dispersed into surroundings. Concentrations of PM10 are modeled and compared with results of measurements carried out in several locations of the solution domain.

Klíčová slova anglicky

deposition, re-suspension, CFD modeling, particulate matter, urban area




Francie: Inrests


Francie, Reims




Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Environment and Transport

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  author="Jiří {Pospíšil} and Miroslav {Jícha},
  title="Two-Scale Modeling of PM Dispersion in Large Urban Area",
  booktitle="Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Environment and Transport",
  publisher="Francie: Inrests",
  address="Francie, Reims",