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Initial Cost Benefit Analysis for TSAA+ / SESAR SOLUTION PJ.11-A4 (SA+): Initial COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS (CBA)

Eva Josth Adamova, Renata Balazova

Anglický název

Initial Cost Benefit Analysis for TSAA+ / SESAR SOLUTION PJ.11-A4 (SA+): Initial COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS (CBA)


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Originální abstrakt

In V1, the CBA focuses more on scoping the solution, identifying its interdependencies on other solutions and implementation options, the stakeholders impacted, describing in qualitative terms the BIMs in the OSED, including the most impacted KPAs and KPIs. Cost drivers are also identified. This work should start jointly with validation activities so that the definition of scenarios and metrics used to capture benefits in validation takes account of the CBA needs. In V1, the output is in principle a qualitative description of the benefits and costs of the solution to the different impacted stakeholders with the aim to ensure understanding what the solution will bring – order of magnitude. The SESAR solution under the scope of this document is SA+, further referred as TSAA+. SA+ capability refers to enhancement of already standardized ADS-B IN Traffic Situational Awareness with Alerts (TSAA) application enhanced to use information about intruder’s RA (Resolution Advisory), if TCAS- equipped and indicate it to Pilot. Such enhancement is referred as TSAA+ and its operational concept is built upon TSAA.

Anglický abstrakt

In V1, the CBA focuses more on scoping the solution, identifying its interdependencies on other solutions and implementation options, the stakeholders impacted, describing in qualitative terms the BIMs in the OSED, including the most impacted KPAs and KPIs. Cost drivers are also identified. This work should start jointly with validation activities so that the definition of scenarios and metrics used to capture benefits in validation takes account of the CBA needs. In V1, the output is in principle a qualitative description of the benefits and costs of the solution to the different impacted stakeholders with the aim to ensure understanding what the solution will bring – order of magnitude. The SESAR solution under the scope of this document is SA+, further referred as TSAA+. SA+ capability refers to enhancement of already standardized ADS-B IN Traffic Situational Awareness with Alerts (TSAA) application enhanced to use information about intruder’s RA (Resolution Advisory), if TCAS- equipped and indicate it to Pilot. Such enhancement is referred as TSAA+ and its operational concept is built upon TSAA.

Klíčová slova anglicky

cost benefit analysis, traffic situationa awareness with alerts, alert, situation awareness





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  author="Eva {Jošth Adamová} and Renáta {Balážová},
  title="Initial Cost Benefit Analysis for TSAA+ / SESAR SOLUTION PJ.11-A4 (SA+): Initial COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS (CBA)",
  publisher="SESAR JU"