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ACAS Xo Validation Report

Eva Josth Adamova, Marques Andre, Morizet Beonit, Solc Marek, Averkova Dariia, Klang Pavel

Anglický název

ACAS Xo Validation Report


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Originální abstrakt

This document provides Validation report for V2 validation activities in the frame of the solution PJ.11-A3 “ACAS for Commercial Air Transport specific operations – ACAS Xo” included in the SESAR project PJ11 "CAPITO – Collision Avoidance Performance Improvement TechnOlogy". It concludes the results from two validation exercises:  Workshop with digital mock-up performed by Honeywell in fall 2018, in Honeywell facilities. The purpose of the workshop was to assess and validate principles for solution in operation and assess the maximum possible cases with variations on several parameters.  Real Time Simulations (RTS) performed on Airbus integration simulator with V2 candidate prototype developed by project PJ.11-A3, in Airbus facilities with pilots from Airbus from 2018 fall to beginning of 2019. The purpose of these trials was to assess and validate principles for intruder designation, alert triggering, and associated Human Machine Interface principles in case of specific operations, such as parallel approach.

Anglický abstrakt

This document provides Validation report for V2 validation activities in the frame of the solution PJ.11-A3 “ACAS for Commercial Air Transport specific operations – ACAS Xo” included in the SESAR project PJ11 "CAPITO – Collision Avoidance Performance Improvement TechnOlogy". It concludes the results from two validation exercises:  Workshop with digital mock-up performed by Honeywell in fall 2018, in Honeywell facilities. The purpose of the workshop was to assess and validate principles for solution in operation and assess the maximum possible cases with variations on several parameters.  Real Time Simulations (RTS) performed on Airbus integration simulator with V2 candidate prototype developed by project PJ.11-A3, in Airbus facilities with pilots from Airbus from 2018 fall to beginning of 2019. The purpose of these trials was to assess and validate principles for intruder designation, alert triggering, and associated Human Machine Interface principles in case of specific operations, such as parallel approach.

Klíčová slova anglicky

ACAS, Commercial Air Transport, ACAS Xo, SESAR, Workshop





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  author="Eva {Jošth Adamová} and Andre {Marques} and Benoit {Morizet} and Marek {Šolc} and Dariia {Averkova} and Pavel {Klang},
  title="ACAS Xo Validation Report",