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Validation Report (VALR) from Initial STM Performance Evaluation

Jan Kubalcik, Eva Adamova, Pavel Klang

Anglický název

Validation Report (VALR) from Initial STM Performance Evaluation


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Originální abstrakt

This document describes the results of detailed performance evaluation of the surveillance functions designed within the new generation of Airborne Collision Avoidance System, referred to as ACAS Xa. The evaluation consists of three validation exercises addressing successively: validation of ACAS Xa Surveillance & Tracking Module using surveillance data recorded during real flights; sensitivity study using the simulated flight data and systematically varying surveillance errors; and evaluation of surveillance error impact on estimated time to the conflict. The performed study shows a good performance of the ACAS Xa surveillance functions in the estimation of the most probable position of intruders for both types of used surveillance techniques (Mode S interrogation and ADS-B). Nevertheless, obtained results indicate that the confidence area is too optimistic (narrow) for description of the true intruder’s position. The results also show that despite very different sizes and shapes of the confidence intervals for different surveillance methods the probabilistic estimation of time to the conflict does not differ considerably. Detailed results from the performed evaluation will be shared with the ACAS Xa development team to help with ongoing development of next versions of the system. Also they will be presented at standardization working group to support the definition of the relevant system requirements.

Anglický abstrakt

This document describes the results of detailed performance evaluation of the surveillance functions designed within the new generation of Airborne Collision Avoidance System, referred to as ACAS Xa. The evaluation consists of three validation exercises addressing successively: validation of ACAS Xa Surveillance & Tracking Module using surveillance data recorded during real flights; sensitivity study using the simulated flight data and systematically varying surveillance errors; and evaluation of surveillance error impact on estimated time to the conflict. The performed study shows a good performance of the ACAS Xa surveillance functions in the estimation of the most probable position of intruders for both types of used surveillance techniques (Mode S interrogation and ADS-B). Nevertheless, obtained results indicate that the confidence area is too optimistic (narrow) for description of the true intruder’s position. The results also show that despite very different sizes and shapes of the confidence intervals for different surveillance methods the probabilistic estimation of time to the conflict does not differ considerably. Detailed results from the performed evaluation will be shared with the ACAS Xa development team to help with ongoing development of next versions of the system. Also they will be presented at standardization working group to support the definition of the relevant system requirements.

Klíčová slova anglicky

Validation report, airborne, collision, avoidance system, ACAS X, surveillance




SESAR Joint Undertaking

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  author="Eva {Jošth Adamová} and Pavel {Klang} and Jan {Kubalčík},
  title="Validation Report (VALR) from Initial STM Performance Evaluation",
  publisher="SESAR Joint Undertaking"