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Technical Validation Plan of ACAS Xa
Petr Casek, Eva Adamova, Jan Kubalcik, Pavel Klang
Anglický název
Technical Validation Plan of ACAS Xa
projektová dokumentace
Originální abstrakt
This document provides the Technical Validation Plan for the first phase of ACAS Xa validation within the SESAR 9.47 project. This first phase focuses on the performance evaluation of ACAS Xa surveillance and validation of the impact of imperfect surveillance information on safety and operational performance of ACAS Xa logic. Validation activities are performed using the model of relevant ACAS Xa modules within dedicated fast-time simulations. The outcome of this validation aims to support the ongoing standardization activities (RTCA SC-147/EUROCAE WG 75), and will be used as input for the second validation phase within SESAR 9.47 project.
Anglický abstrakt
This document provides the Technical Validation Plan for the first phase of ACAS Xa validation within the SESAR 9.47 project. This first phase focuses on the performance evaluation of ACAS Xa surveillance and validation of the impact of imperfect surveillance information on safety and operational performance of ACAS Xa logic. Validation activities are performed using the model of relevant ACAS Xa modules within dedicated fast-time simulations. The outcome of this validation aims to support the ongoing standardization activities (RTCA SC-147/EUROCAE WG 75), and will be used as input for the second validation phase within SESAR 9.47 project.
Klíčová slova anglicky
validation plan, ACAS X, collision avoidance, survevillance
SESAR Joint Undertaking
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