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Advanced Approach to Cooperative Waste Treatment Cost Reduction Game


Anglický název

Advanced Approach to Cooperative Waste Treatment Cost Reduction Game





Originální abstrakt

Circular economy principles are accommodated worldwide to respond to current negative environmental trends. Whereas non-recyclable waste disturbs the sustainability of this concept, Waste-to-Energy technology is a promising approach to the problem. This paper studies the economic consequences of Waste-to-Energy technology implementation into waste management strategies using cooperative game theory. Assuming limited landfilling, municipalities treat produced waste using services of Waste-to-Energy plants. Cooperative reservation of some plants’ capacities to waste producers with disadvantageous locations reduces their waste treatment costs in exchange for financial compensation. The paper provides a review of current applications of game theory to environmental studies and exploits apparatus of distributed dynamic coalition formation games in the Czech Republic waste management case study. Results provide a view on the impact of the Waste-to-Energy technology implementation and limited landfilling on the municipal budgets and suggest the most suitable municipal unions for handling waste management tasks.

Anglický abstrakt

Circular economy principles are accommodated worldwide to respond to current negative environmental trends. Whereas non-recyclable waste disturbs the sustainability of this concept, Waste-to-Energy technology is a promising approach to the problem. This paper studies the economic consequences of Waste-to-Energy technology implementation into waste management strategies using cooperative game theory. Assuming limited landfilling, municipalities treat produced waste using services of Waste-to-Energy plants. Cooperative reservation of some plants’ capacities to waste producers with disadvantageous locations reduces their waste treatment costs in exchange for financial compensation. The paper provides a review of current applications of game theory to environmental studies and exploits apparatus of distributed dynamic coalition formation games in the Czech Republic waste management case study. Results provide a view on the impact of the Waste-to-Energy technology implementation and limited landfilling on the municipal budgets and suggest the most suitable municipal unions for handling waste management tasks.

Klíčová slova anglicky

Waste management;cooperative game theory;Waste-to-Energy;circular economy;optimization;coalition formation





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