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Meření vyvažovacího zatížení vodorovných ocasních ploch


Český název

Meření vyvažovacího zatížení vodorovných ocasních ploch

Anglický název

Measurement of the horizontál tail balancing loading


článek ve sborníku ve WoS nebo Scopus



Originální abstrakt

This paper describes the measurements of the horizontal tail loading of ultra light aircraft KP-2U OWL. The horizontal tail balancing loading was obtained by a series of a strain gauges installed in a horizontal tail structure. Firstly installing and calibration of strain gauges was done in laboratory conditions, and than the horizontal tail was installed in aircraft. Basic parameters such as, flight load factor in all axis, speed, altitude and temperature, were recorded by the data acquisition system ESAM Traveller Plus. Then the recorded data was analysed. The result of this analysis was the balancing shear and bending and torque moments of the horizontal tail. The measured loading was compared with the computed result.

Český abstrakt

Tento článek popisuje měření vyvažovacího zatížení na letounu KP-2U Sova. Na vodorovné ocasní plochy byly instalovány tenzometry a poté byla provedena kalibrace v laboratorních podmínkách. Pro záznám zakladních parametrů letu jako je rychlost, výška, násobek, teplota atd. byla použita tenzometrická ústředna ESAM Traveler Plus. Změřené zatížení bylo porovnáno se zatížením vypočteným.

Anglický abstrakt

This paper describes the measurements of the horizontal tail loading of ultra light aircraft KP-2U OWL. The horizontal tail balancing loading was obtained by a series of a strain gauges installed in a horizontal tail structure. Firstly installing and calibration of strain gauges was done in laboratory conditions, and than the horizontal tail was installed in aircraft. Basic parameters such as, flight load factor in all axis, speed, altitude and temperature, were recorded by the data acquisition system ESAM Traveller Plus. Then the recorded data was analysed. The result of this analysis was the balancing shear and bending and torque moments of the horizontal tail. The measured loading was compared with the computed result.

Klíčová slova česky

zatížení vodorovných ocasních ploch

Klíčová slova anglicky

horizontál tail balancing loading




Bologna University




Third Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics

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Počet stran



  author="Ivo {Jebáček},
  title="Measurement of the horizontál tail balancing loading",
  booktitle="Third Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics",
  address="Bologna University",