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Residual Municipal Waste Composition Analysing – New Methodic for Czech Waste Management
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Residual Municipal Waste Composition Analysing – New Methodic for Czech Waste Management
článek ve sborníku ve WoS nebo Scopus
Originální abstrakt
Relevant and comparable information about municipal waste composition is es-sential for waste management modelling and planning at all territorial administra-tion levels. Relevant information of the municipal waste composition and quality forecasts of the future composition are crucial for the development of relevant models and plans in the field of waste management, e.g. techno-economic mod-els of MW treatment units (sorting line, transfer station, energy recovery or waste collection system modelling) and also complex business models (previously pre-sented Flow Task Tool) concerning specific investments in waste management. Differently detailed and demanding methods for analysing the composition of municipal waste and residual municipal waste are applicate in the world and in European Union. Data from individual studies can provide different and difficult to compare information on the composition of municipal waste and especially resid-ual municipal waste, making it difficult to plan operation of treatment units or a complex business models in the field of waste management. In the Europe, the European Commission seeks to support a vision of the circular economy, as summarized in Circular-economy package from the European Commission (2015). Developments in EU waste management are heading to-wards unified European Reference Model on Waste (Eunomia Research & Con-sulting, 2015). This situation will affect the development of new methodologies for municipal waste composition analyses in individual European Union member states. Therefore, there is a project under the Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic, leading to a proposal for a new Czech certified methodology. Brno Uni-versity of Technology, Institute of Process Engineering is the coordinator of this project. The new methodology should enable not only comparison of values from individual studies, but above all statistical evaluation of the expanding dataset of results and subsequent forecasting. The aim is to provide a methodology that pro-vides basic data for complex statistical processing and enables relevant forecast-ing of the development of municipal waste composition.
Anglický abstrakt
Relevant and comparable information about municipal waste composition is es-sential for waste management modelling and planning at all territorial administra-tion levels. Relevant information of the municipal waste composition and quality forecasts of the future composition are crucial for the development of relevant models and plans in the field of waste management, e.g. techno-economic mod-els of MW treatment units (sorting line, transfer station, energy recovery or waste collection system modelling) and also complex business models (previously pre-sented Flow Task Tool) concerning specific investments in waste management. Differently detailed and demanding methods for analysing the composition of municipal waste and residual municipal waste are applicate in the world and in European Union. Data from individual studies can provide different and difficult to compare information on the composition of municipal waste and especially resid-ual municipal waste, making it difficult to plan operation of treatment units or a complex business models in the field of waste management. In the Europe, the European Commission seeks to support a vision of the circular economy, as summarized in Circular-economy package from the European Commission (2015). Developments in EU waste management are heading to-wards unified European Reference Model on Waste (Eunomia Research & Con-sulting, 2015). This situation will affect the development of new methodologies for municipal waste composition analyses in individual European Union member states. Therefore, there is a project under the Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic, leading to a proposal for a new Czech certified methodology. Brno Uni-versity of Technology, Institute of Process Engineering is the coordinator of this project. The new methodology should enable not only comparison of values from individual studies, but above all statistical evaluation of the expanding dataset of results and subsequent forecasting. The aim is to provide a methodology that pro-vides basic data for complex statistical processing and enables relevant forecast-ing of the development of municipal waste composition.
Klíčová slova anglicky
Municipal Solid Waste; Techno-Economic Models; Composition of waste; New Methodologies
Montanuniversität Leoben
Leoben, Austria
Recycling & Abfallverwertung Abfallwirtschaft & Ressourcenmanagement Deponietechnik & Altlasten Internationale Abfallwirtschaft
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author="Jiří {Kropáč} and Jiří {Gregor} and Martin {Pavlas},
title="Residual Municipal Waste Composition Analysing – New Methodic for Czech Waste Management",
booktitle="Recycling & Abfallverwertung
Abfallwirtschaft & Ressourcenmanagement
Deponietechnik & Altlasten
Internationale Abfallwirtschaft",
publisher="Montanuniversität Leoben",
address="Leoben, Austria",