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Environmental Performance and Techno-Economic Feasibility of Different Biochar Applications: An Overview

Fan Y.V. Klemeš J.J. Lee C.T.

Anglický název

Environmental Performance and Techno-Economic Feasibility of Different Biochar Applications: An Overview


článek v časopise ve Scopus, Jsc



Originální abstrakt

Biochar has a broad application owning to its physicochemical properties and low cost by origin (by-products or generated from waste). Wide research attention received is the application to the soil as carbon sequestration. In contrast to the efficiency evaluation, the overall cost feasibility and environmental performance of the application still deserves broader analysis and discussion. This study aims to enumerate the advantages, and potential drawbacks of the different applications, in term of cost and the environmental footprints. The other alternatives (e.g. the conventional methods) in achieving the same purpose are compared. Special attention is given to the application of biochar to the soil as carbon sequestration. This study could serve as a guideline in evaluating the pros and cons of biochar application to ensure the unburdening footprints can offset the burdening footprint associated with the generation and other downstream processes towards sustainability. Copyright © 2021, AIDIC Servizi S.r.l.

Anglický abstrakt

Biochar has a broad application owning to its physicochemical properties and low cost by origin (by-products or generated from waste). Wide research attention received is the application to the soil as carbon sequestration. In contrast to the efficiency evaluation, the overall cost feasibility and environmental performance of the application still deserves broader analysis and discussion. This study aims to enumerate the advantages, and potential drawbacks of the different applications, in term of cost and the environmental footprints. The other alternatives (e.g. the conventional methods) in achieving the same purpose are compared. Special attention is given to the application of biochar to the soil as carbon sequestration. This study could serve as a guideline in evaluating the pros and cons of biochar application to ensure the unburdening footprints can offset the burdening footprint associated with the generation and other downstream processes towards sustainability. Copyright © 2021, AIDIC Servizi S.r.l.

Klíčová slova anglicky

Environmental; Performance; Techno-Economic; Feasibility; Different; Biochar; Applications




Italian Association of Chemical Engineering - AIDIC





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  author="Yee Van {Fan} and Jiří {Klemeš},
  title="Environmental Performance and Techno-Economic Feasibility of Different Biochar Applications: An Overview",
  publisher="Italian Association of Chemical Engineering - AIDIC",