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Energy transition and the role of system integration of the energy, water and environmental systems

Mikulčić, H, Baleta, J. Klemeš, J.J. Wang, X.

Anglický název

Energy transition and the role of system integration of the energy, water and environmental systems


článek v časopise ve Web of Science, Jimp



Originální abstrakt

Time is running out, while it is becoming obvious that many countries may fail to meet Paris Agreement goals. More intensive efforts should be invested with a strong emphasis on emissions decarbonisation of all sectors and energy transition towards more renewable energy sources. This work provides an overview of the impact of the energy transition on the environment, energy and water systems and the need for integration of these systems. Reduction of carbon-related emissions has been identified as the common topic through reliance on the circular economy concept, taking into account the economic dimension in an attempt to decouple economic growth from emissions. Advanced control concepts, mathematical modelling and integration of renewable energy sources with carbon capture and storage and sewage sludge treatment can be recognised as dominant topics through the recognition that energy transition offers a solution to emission problem, but raises further challenges by introducing disbalance between supply and demand side of energy systems. It is expected that present contribution will identify dominant trends under the common divisor of the energy transition and foster discussion among the experts for future studies. © 2021 Elsevier Ltd

Anglický abstrakt

Time is running out, while it is becoming obvious that many countries may fail to meet Paris Agreement goals. More intensive efforts should be invested with a strong emphasis on emissions decarbonisation of all sectors and energy transition towards more renewable energy sources. This work provides an overview of the impact of the energy transition on the environment, energy and water systems and the need for integration of these systems. Reduction of carbon-related emissions has been identified as the common topic through reliance on the circular economy concept, taking into account the economic dimension in an attempt to decouple economic growth from emissions. Advanced control concepts, mathematical modelling and integration of renewable energy sources with carbon capture and storage and sewage sludge treatment can be recognised as dominant topics through the recognition that energy transition offers a solution to emission problem, but raises further challenges by introducing disbalance between supply and demand side of energy systems. It is expected that present contribution will identify dominant trends under the common divisor of the energy transition and foster discussion among the experts for future studies. © 2021 Elsevier Ltd

Klíčová slova anglicky

climate change; decarbonisation; energy transition; sustainability; system integration




Elsevier Ltd





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  author="Jiří {Klemeš},
  title="Energy transition and the role of system integration of the energy, water and environmental systems",
  publisher="Elsevier Ltd",