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Decision Making Method for Energy Retrofit Targets of Waste Gas-to-Energy Units


Anglický název

Decision Making Method for Energy Retrofit Targets of Waste Gas-to-Energy Units


článek ve sborníku mimo WoS a Scopus



Originální abstrakt

Many industrial waste gasses, especially from chemical and petrochemical processes, contain combustible substances, which enables their utilization as a promising energy source. Thermal oxidation represents a suitable and proven technology, which is however very energy intensive in terms of external fuel demand dependent on an exhaust heat recovery efficiency. This paper presents a systematic method developed for Energy Retrofit targeting of industrial units for thermal oxidation of waste gasses (waste gas-to-energy units) in order to improve the unit´s waste heat recovery and thus to reduce the external energy demand. This results in operational costs and emissions reduction and enables efficient waste gas energy utilization. The method procedure is further applied to an Energy Retrofit of specific waste gas-to-energy unit, where the fuel saving over 30% was achieved by proposed technological modifications with payback period 5.5 months. Finally, the developed method accuracy was successfully verified by the comparison with non-linear simulation.

Anglický abstrakt

Many industrial waste gasses, especially from chemical and petrochemical processes, contain combustible substances, which enables their utilization as a promising energy source. Thermal oxidation represents a suitable and proven technology, which is however very energy intensive in terms of external fuel demand dependent on an exhaust heat recovery efficiency. This paper presents a systematic method developed for Energy Retrofit targeting of industrial units for thermal oxidation of waste gasses (waste gas-to-energy units) in order to improve the unit´s waste heat recovery and thus to reduce the external energy demand. This results in operational costs and emissions reduction and enables efficient waste gas energy utilization. The method procedure is further applied to an Energy Retrofit of specific waste gas-to-energy unit, where the fuel saving over 30% was achieved by proposed technological modifications with payback period 5.5 months. Finally, the developed method accuracy was successfully verified by the comparison with non-linear simulation.

Klíčová slova anglicky

Thermal oxidation; Shifting Flue Gas Line method; waste gas-to-energy unit; Energy Retrofit; fuel saving; VOC; CO




Proceedings of the 4th SEE SDEWES Conference

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  author="Vít {Freisleben} and Zdeněk {Jegla},
  title="Decision Making Method for Energy Retrofit Targets of Waste Gas-to-Energy Units",
  booktitle="Proceedings of the 4th SEE SDEWES Conference",