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Resolving Discrepancies in Reported Flow Amounts in Waste Management Network Datasets by Mathematical Programming
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Resolving Discrepancies in Reported Flow Amounts in Waste Management Network Datasets by Mathematical Programming
článek v časopise ve Scopus, Jsc
Originální abstrakt
The suitable way of waste treatment is an essential part of further development and infrastructure planning. In real waste management network and related datasets, errors and discrepancies arise in the reported values. This paper formulates a multi-criteria mathematical programming model intending to modify common estimates to new values that better coincide with each other and thus should be closer to reality. It also describes the method of how to divide the estimated flows among different sources. As a result, a better understanding of the studied waste management network can be achieved. The presented robust model minimizes the total sum of absolute deviations from the original data. It also considers logistics, specifically, in the form of distances and thus emulates the economic behaviour of subjects in the network. The alternating direction method of multipliers is applied for solving the model in an original way, together with a heuristic used for one set of ambiguous variables. This algorithm facilitates the solving of large instances of the defined problem. The proposed approach is applied to waste management network dataset of the Czech Republic, which contains approximately 200 entities. Such a dataset leads to the model with approximately 400 thousand of decision variables. The implementation of the algorithm and all computations are done in the Julia programming language involving specialized optimization libraries. The results of the presented case study are used for the improvement of treatment of sludge waste being produced in wastewater treatment plants. The proposed model is general enough as it can be also used for estimating real waste flow datasets containing a similar type of errors as described.
Anglický abstrakt
The suitable way of waste treatment is an essential part of further development and infrastructure planning. In real waste management network and related datasets, errors and discrepancies arise in the reported values. This paper formulates a multi-criteria mathematical programming model intending to modify common estimates to new values that better coincide with each other and thus should be closer to reality. It also describes the method of how to divide the estimated flows among different sources. As a result, a better understanding of the studied waste management network can be achieved. The presented robust model minimizes the total sum of absolute deviations from the original data. It also considers logistics, specifically, in the form of distances and thus emulates the economic behaviour of subjects in the network. The alternating direction method of multipliers is applied for solving the model in an original way, together with a heuristic used for one set of ambiguous variables. This algorithm facilitates the solving of large instances of the defined problem. The proposed approach is applied to waste management network dataset of the Czech Republic, which contains approximately 200 entities. Such a dataset leads to the model with approximately 400 thousand of decision variables. The implementation of the algorithm and all computations are done in the Julia programming language involving specialized optimization libraries. The results of the presented case study are used for the improvement of treatment of sludge waste being produced in wastewater treatment plants. The proposed model is general enough as it can be also used for estimating real waste flow datasets containing a similar type of errors as described.
Klíčová slova anglicky
sludge waste; mathematical programming; waste datasets; alternating direction method of multipliers; error resolving; waste management
AIDIC S.r.l.
Milano, Italy
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author="Radovan {Šomplák} and Šárka {Václavková} and Jaroslav {Talpa} and Jaroslav {Pluskal} and Veronika {Smejkalová},
title="Resolving Discrepancies in Reported Flow Amounts in Waste Management Network Datasets by Mathematical Programming",
publisher="AIDIC S.r.l.",
address="Milano, Italy",