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Innovative Technology Application for Design of Bogie Drive Components


Anglický název

Innovative Technology Application for Design of Bogie Drive Components


článek ve sborníku mimo WoS a Scopus



Originální abstrakt

This paper deals with creation of methodology for design of bogie drive component and its validation by technical experiment. First the methodology for gearbox as a main component is developed and tested on the small single-stage gearbox concept, where the sensitivity of input parameters is investigated and validated by partial experiment. The methodology is applied on very high-speed gearbox concept afterwards, where all inputs parameters are calculated similarly as in case of small single-stage gearbox. The virtual prototypes enable to investigate influence of different input parameters on the design parameters, which are necessary at design phase. The surface normal velocity, which is related to noise prediction, can be evaluated. A partial experimental approach to validate the application of virtual prototype on very complex and extremely loaded component were performed. To increase the accuracy both approaches were extended by next component, coupling. Similar approach as in case of gearbox is used for coupling. The computational model at different level of complexity is validated by appropriate technical experiment. The numerical simulation and technical experiment with both components have not been fully performed and validated yet.

Anglický abstrakt

This paper deals with creation of methodology for design of bogie drive component and its validation by technical experiment. First the methodology for gearbox as a main component is developed and tested on the small single-stage gearbox concept, where the sensitivity of input parameters is investigated and validated by partial experiment. The methodology is applied on very high-speed gearbox concept afterwards, where all inputs parameters are calculated similarly as in case of small single-stage gearbox. The virtual prototypes enable to investigate influence of different input parameters on the design parameters, which are necessary at design phase. The surface normal velocity, which is related to noise prediction, can be evaluated. A partial experimental approach to validate the application of virtual prototype on very complex and extremely loaded component were performed. To increase the accuracy both approaches were extended by next component, coupling. Similar approach as in case of gearbox is used for coupling. The computational model at different level of complexity is validated by appropriate technical experiment. The numerical simulation and technical experiment with both components have not been fully performed and validated yet.

Klíčová slova anglicky

gearbox; coupling; noise; vibration; numerical approach



Počet stran



  author="David {Krpalek} and Aleš {Prokop} and Kamil {Řehák},
  title="Innovative Technology Application for Design of Bogie Drive Components",