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Sewage sludge combustion in the rotary kiln


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Sewage sludge combustion in the rotary kiln


článek ve sborníku mimo WoS a Scopus



Originální abstrakt

The importance of finding new ways of utilization of sewage sludge is momentous and it is gaining its importance every day. Moreover, every solution has to follow the given procedure given by legislative. The production of sewage sludge in the developed countries is without substantial differences but it is continuous. The mass of the sewage sludge is both difficult to handle and to transport to other facilities. Therefore, one of the ways how to deal with the incessant production of sewage sludge is the combustion. Sludge was combusted in the semi-industrial rotary kiln in this test. The main goal of the experiment was to verify the possibility of the utilization by the combustion. The material used for combustion was predried in the semi-industrial rotary drier. One of the problems with the combustion of sewage sludge is the number of incombustible components which lower the overall LHV, which is already very low. The amount of the water in the material used for combustion was around 30 %wt. LHV of the predried material was 7 MJ/kg on average. The dosage of solid fuel was 30 kg per hour and it was kept at the same level during the whole experiment. Combustion of the material had to be supported with the extra heat delivered by the natural gas burner. During the experiment the burner for the natural gas was operated at the three different heat outputs – 100 kW, 65 kW, and 42 kW. Presence of NOx and SO2 was measured in the flue gas. At some regimes the amount of these two components exceeded limits given by the law. In the end the samples of ashes were analyzed and tested for the water residues and elementary analysis has been performed. The experiment exposed some weak spots of the technology and of the process of the combustion of the sewage sludge itself. However, in the long term perspective it has proven that combustion is possible.

Anglický abstrakt

The importance of finding new ways of utilization of sewage sludge is momentous and it is gaining its importance every day. Moreover, every solution has to follow the given procedure given by legislative. The production of sewage sludge in the developed countries is without substantial differences but it is continuous. The mass of the sewage sludge is both difficult to handle and to transport to other facilities. Therefore, one of the ways how to deal with the incessant production of sewage sludge is the combustion. Sludge was combusted in the semi-industrial rotary kiln in this test. The main goal of the experiment was to verify the possibility of the utilization by the combustion. The material used for combustion was predried in the semi-industrial rotary drier. One of the problems with the combustion of sewage sludge is the number of incombustible components which lower the overall LHV, which is already very low. The amount of the water in the material used for combustion was around 30 %wt. LHV of the predried material was 7 MJ/kg on average. The dosage of solid fuel was 30 kg per hour and it was kept at the same level during the whole experiment. Combustion of the material had to be supported with the extra heat delivered by the natural gas burner. During the experiment the burner for the natural gas was operated at the three different heat outputs – 100 kW, 65 kW, and 42 kW. Presence of NOx and SO2 was measured in the flue gas. At some regimes the amount of these two components exceeded limits given by the law. In the end the samples of ashes were analyzed and tested for the water residues and elementary analysis has been performed. The experiment exposed some weak spots of the technology and of the process of the combustion of the sewage sludge itself. However, in the long term perspective it has proven that combustion is possible.

Klíčová slova anglicky

sewage sludge, combustion, alternative fuel, rotary kiln, drying




Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisboa, Portugal


Lisbon, Portugal


Proceedings of the 9th European Combustion Meeting

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  author="Igor {Hudák} and Pavel {Skryja} and Jiří {Bojanovský} and Vladimír {Brummer},
  title="Sewage sludge combustion in the rotary kiln",
  booktitle="Proceedings of the 9th European Combustion Meeting",
  publisher="Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisboa, Portugal",
  address="Lisbon, Portugal"