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Methodology for In Situ Microstructural Characterisation of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy Corrosion Degradation in Hanks' Solution


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Methodology for In Situ Microstructural Characterisation of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy Corrosion Degradation in Hanks' Solution


článek v časopise ve Scopus, Jsc



Originální abstrakt

Due to their specific properties magnesium and magnesium alloys find huge application possibilities mainly in automotive, engineering, transport and space industry. Important properties of magnesium alloys for engineering applications are high specific strength and high internal dumping values, while biocompatibility, biotoxicity and biodegradability open them the possibility to be used for biomedical applications. Development of new biodegradable magnesium alloys, investigation of new production and processing technologies on their properties and evaluation of corrosion degradation in simulated body fluids solutions are the main topics of the last decades.The paper offers a method simulating in-vivo tests for description of the corrosion process of potential biomedical materials in time using atomic force microscopy (AFM). To prove the proposed methodology detailed analysis of the corrosion degradation of AZ31 cast magnesium alloy in flowing Hanks’ balanced salt solution (HBSS) was performed. Corrosion degradation process of the examined alloy was influenced by different microstructural features and their interfaces. Results of the created corrosion galvanic cells and the corrosion attack evolution on the interface of the present intermetallic phases and the matrix led to profile changes detected by AFM. Due to their specific properties magnesium and magnesium alloys find huge application possibilities mainly in automotive, engineering, transport and space industry. Important properties of magnesium alloys for engineering applications are high specific strength and high internal dumping values, while biocompatibility, biotoxicity and biodegradability open them the possibility to be used for biomedical applications. Development of new biodegradable magnesium alloys, investigation of new production and processing technologies on their properties and evaluation of corrosion degradation in simulated body fluids solutions are the main topics of the last decades.The paper offers a method simulating in-vivo tests for description of the corrosion process of potential biomedical materials in time using atomic force microscopy (AFM). To prove the proposed methodology detailed analysis of the corrosion degradation of AZ31 cast magnesium alloy in flowing Hanks’ balanced salt solution (HBSS) was performed. Corrosion degradation process of the examined alloy was influenced by different microstructural features and their interfaces. Results of the created corrosion galvanic cells and the corrosion attack evolution on the interface of the present intermetallic phases and the matrix led to profile changes detected by AFM.

Anglický abstrakt

Due to their specific properties magnesium and magnesium alloys find huge application possibilities mainly in automotive, engineering, transport and space industry. Important properties of magnesium alloys for engineering applications are high specific strength and high internal dumping values, while biocompatibility, biotoxicity and biodegradability open them the possibility to be used for biomedical applications. Development of new biodegradable magnesium alloys, investigation of new production and processing technologies on their properties and evaluation of corrosion degradation in simulated body fluids solutions are the main topics of the last decades.The paper offers a method simulating in-vivo tests for description of the corrosion process of potential biomedical materials in time using atomic force microscopy (AFM). To prove the proposed methodology detailed analysis of the corrosion degradation of AZ31 cast magnesium alloy in flowing Hanks’ balanced salt solution (HBSS) was performed. Corrosion degradation process of the examined alloy was influenced by different microstructural features and their interfaces. Results of the created corrosion galvanic cells and the corrosion attack evolution on the interface of the present intermetallic phases and the matrix led to profile changes detected by AFM. Due to their specific properties magnesium and magnesium alloys find huge application possibilities mainly in automotive, engineering, transport and space industry. Important properties of magnesium alloys for engineering applications are high specific strength and high internal dumping values, while biocompatibility, biotoxicity and biodegradability open them the possibility to be used for biomedical applications. Development of new biodegradable magnesium alloys, investigation of new production and processing technologies on their properties and evaluation of corrosion degradation in simulated body fluids solutions are the main topics of the last decades.The paper offers a method simulating in-vivo tests for description of the corrosion process of potential biomedical materials in time using atomic force microscopy (AFM). To prove the proposed methodology detailed analysis of the corrosion degradation of AZ31 cast magnesium alloy in flowing Hanks’ balanced salt solution (HBSS) was performed. Corrosion degradation process of the examined alloy was influenced by different microstructural features and their interfaces. Results of the created corrosion galvanic cells and the corrosion attack evolution on the interface of the present intermetallic phases and the matrix led to profile changes detected by AFM.

Klíčová slova anglicky

AZ31, magnesium alloy, corrosion, HBSS, AFM




Materials Science Forum






Materials Science Forum





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  author="Pavel {Doležal} and Jozef {Minda},
  title="Methodology for In Situ Microstructural Characterisation of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy Corrosion Degradation in Hanks' Solution",
  booktitle="Materials Science Forum",
  publisher="Materials Science Forum",