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Optimization of Design of Public Passenger Transport Stops Respecting Characteristics of Users as well as Environmental Parameters


Anglický název

Optimization of Design of Public Passenger Transport Stops Respecting Characteristics of Users as well as Environmental Parameters


článek ve sborníku ve WoS nebo Scopus



Originální abstrakt

The study is devoted to the specific area of industrial design, design of public passenger transport stops (bus stop, tram stop, trolleybus stop). The main objective is to model relations between general features of the stops, environmental restrictions of places where the stops are situated and characteristics of people with their physical and psychological characteristics. The above-mentioned characteristics affect both sub-parameters and layout plan of the entire unit. The study has conveyed systematic research in the characteristic features of the stops in the close link to users/passengers. Definition of limits of the optimal design has constituted the essential element. Opposing requirements are set down in the area of harmony with the environment where the shelters have been installed – respect/ ignoration of the existing housebuilding. The environment of public passenger transport stops has been simplified in terms of its spatial restrictions. Only marginal attention has been devoted to the appropriate structural elements. We have divided demands on the optimum design of public transport stops into aesthetical, layout, ergonomic, hygienic, safety, psychological, and environmental aspects. Specific requirements have been laid down for the individual groups. Much attention has been paid to the problem of mobility – respect for as broad spectrum of users as possible, recognition of particularities of ageing population and handicapped people as well as parents with prams. Necessity to balance between respect to the individuality of passengers and versatility of use for the wide spectrum of users has been found as rather problematic in the designs. The findings of the study have put forward comprehensive recommendations about the design of public transport stops. In the wider context, presented study offers a model of the application of relevant design aspects applicable to the future solution to the public passenger transport stops. Appropriate design should have a specific impact not only to the comfort of physical environment but also to positive emotions and feelings of passengers.

Anglický abstrakt

The study is devoted to the specific area of industrial design, design of public passenger transport stops (bus stop, tram stop, trolleybus stop). The main objective is to model relations between general features of the stops, environmental restrictions of places where the stops are situated and characteristics of people with their physical and psychological characteristics. The above-mentioned characteristics affect both sub-parameters and layout plan of the entire unit. The study has conveyed systematic research in the characteristic features of the stops in the close link to users/passengers. Definition of limits of the optimal design has constituted the essential element. Opposing requirements are set down in the area of harmony with the environment where the shelters have been installed – respect/ ignoration of the existing housebuilding. The environment of public passenger transport stops has been simplified in terms of its spatial restrictions. Only marginal attention has been devoted to the appropriate structural elements. We have divided demands on the optimum design of public transport stops into aesthetical, layout, ergonomic, hygienic, safety, psychological, and environmental aspects. Specific requirements have been laid down for the individual groups. Much attention has been paid to the problem of mobility – respect for as broad spectrum of users as possible, recognition of particularities of ageing population and handicapped people as well as parents with prams. Necessity to balance between respect to the individuality of passengers and versatility of use for the wide spectrum of users has been found as rather problematic in the designs. The findings of the study have put forward comprehensive recommendations about the design of public transport stops. In the wider context, presented study offers a model of the application of relevant design aspects applicable to the future solution to the public passenger transport stops. Appropriate design should have a specific impact not only to the comfort of physical environment but also to positive emotions and feelings of passengers.

Klíčová slova anglicky

industrial design, bus stop, design aspects, passenger




STEF92 Technology Ltd.


Sofia, Bulgaria






4th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts SGEM2017


Volume 2

Číslo edice

Volume 2

Strany od–do


Počet stran



  author="Dana {Rubínová},
  title="Optimization of Design of Public Passenger Transport Stops Respecting Characteristics of Users as well as Environmental Parameters",
  booktitle="4th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts SGEM2017",
  number="Volume 2",
  publisher="STEF92 Technology Ltd.",
  address="Sofia, Bulgaria",