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Deformačně-napěťová analýza totální povrchové náhrady kyčelního kloubu
Český název
Deformačně-napěťová analýza totální povrchové náhrady kyčelního kloubu
Anglický název
Stress Strain Analysis of the Total Surface Replacement of the Hip Joint
článek ve sborníku ve WoS nebo Scopus
Originální abstrakt
The possibility of the damaged hip joint replacement by prosthesis is for many people the only way how to get back to normal life without any pain or significant movement limitation. At present time the total and hemi prosthesis of hip joint are mainly used in the Czech Republic. The age limit for carrying out the necessary replacement has been getting lower. A development of the modern lifeway results in quick degeneration of the human skeletal system, which also causes degeneration of the hip joint for young patients. Durability of prosthesis and possibilities of reoperations are limited. Therefore, the surface replacement becomes up to date. Hip surface replacement has emerged as a bone conserving alternative to conventional THRs intended for the more active adult patients. Currently, development of the surface replacement is at the beginning. Therefore, we are solving this actual problem: the stress strain analysis of hip joint with the surface replacement.
Český abstrakt
Možnost náhrady poškozeného kyčelního kloubu protézou znamená pro mnoho lidí často jedinou cestu jak se dostat zpět do normálního života bez bolesti a bez ýrazného pohybového omezení. Věkový limit, kdy je potřeba náhradu provést neustále klesá. Trvanlivost a možnosti náhrad jsou omezeny. Povrchová náhrada je navržena jako alternativa ke konvenční THR a je určena pro maldé a aktivní pacienty. Vývoj povrchové náhrady je v současné době v začátcích. Z tohoto důvodu byl řešen teneto problém.
Anglický abstrakt
The possibility of the damaged hip joint replacement by prosthesis is for many people the only way how to get back to normal life without any pain or significant movement limitation. At present time the total and hemi prosthesis of hip joint are mainly used in the Czech Republic. The age limit for carrying out the necessary replacement has been getting lower. A development of the modern lifeway results in quick degeneration of the human skeletal system, which also causes degeneration of the hip joint for young patients. Durability of prosthesis and possibilities of reoperations are limited. Therefore, the surface replacement becomes up to date. Hip surface replacement has emerged as a bone conserving alternative to conventional THRs intended for the more active adult patients. Currently, development of the surface replacement is at the beginning. Therefore, we are solving this actual problem: the stress strain analysis of hip joint with the surface replacement.
Klíčová slova česky
povrchová náhrada, kyčelní kloub, FEM
Klíčová slova anglicky
surface replacement, hip joint, FEM
Charles Univerzity in Prague
Biomechanics of Man 2002
Počet stran
author="Tomáš {Návrat} and Zdeněk {Florian},
title="Stress Strain Analysis of the Total Surface Replacement of the Hip Joint",
booktitle="Biomechanics of Man 2002",
publisher="Charles Univerzity in Prague",