Detail publikace

Vyhodnocování záznamů vizualizace proudění získaných při výzkumu větrání


Český název

Vyhodnocování záznamů vizualizace proudění získaných při výzkumu větrání

Anglický název

Evaluation of records of flow visualization obtained during research on ventilation


článek ve sborníku ve WoS nebo Scopus



Originální abstrakt

The contribution deals with evaluation of records of flow visualization obtained during research on ventilation. These are the records of flow visualization with the help of fog or smoke obtained in operation plants or in laboratory as well as interferometric records obtained in scale models under laboratory conditions. Images and video sequences are evaluated with the help of own software Interfer – Visual. The evaluation is usually used in order to determine flow shapes that can serve as a basis for obtaining other quantitative data such as marginal region length of free jet from the outlet, angle of expansion of the jet in the main area, outlet constant and the like. Interferograms of free non-isothermal jets can also be used to evaluate temperature distribution and enthalpies in the jet, distribution of average speeds, volumetric flow rates and the like.

Český abstrakt

Příspěvek pojednává o vyhodnocování záznamů izualizace proudění získaných při výzkumu větrání. Jedná se o záznamy z laboratorních i provozních měření, získaných pomocí kouře a pomocí interferometrie. Obrazy a videosekvence jsou vyhodnocovány pomocí vlastního software Interfer Visual.

Anglický abstrakt

The contribution deals with evaluation of records of flow visualization obtained during research on ventilation. These are the records of flow visualization with the help of fog or smoke obtained in operation plants or in laboratory as well as interferometric records obtained in scale models under laboratory conditions. Images and video sequences are evaluated with the help of own software Interfer – Visual. The evaluation is usually used in order to determine flow shapes that can serve as a basis for obtaining other quantitative data such as marginal region length of free jet from the outlet, angle of expansion of the jet in the main area, outlet constant and the like. Interferograms of free non-isothermal jets can also be used to evaluate temperature distribution and enthalpies in the jet, distribution of average speeds, volumetric flow rates and the like.

Klíčová slova anglicky

Ventilation, heating, flow visualization, interferometry, evaluation of records, software








Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on Ventilation for Contaminant Control

Počet stran



  author="Milan {Pavelek} and Eva {Janotková},
  title="Evaluation of records of flow visualization obtained during research on ventilation",
  booktitle="Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on Ventilation for Contaminant Control",